Calum blurb

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{Credit to Defcliff0rd}

Attending your friend and ashton's wedding and you're a bridesmaid while calum is the best man and he's smirking at you the entire ceremony and slyly winking and you just ignore it because you don't want anybody noticing so when you get to the reception and he taps your shoulder asking if he can have this dance and you try to deny because you've heard stories about him and how he is with girls but he promises that one dance won't hurt and as you're slow dancing he stays respectful with where he touches but toward the end of the song he squeezes your waist and murmurs "why are you so hellbent on not going on a date with me?" and you feel a little guilty due to how confused he sounds and you tell him you've heard the stories and he looks rather offenses and tells you that he's heard them too yet he doesn't wait for frosty to come alive during christmas and you laugh and he smiles because he knows that's the first time he's even made you smile and then he says "one date. that's it and then i'll never ask again" and he's all pouty so you give in and his eyes get crinkly from smiling so hard and he nods before pressing a kiss to your temple.

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