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I squeezed Harry's hand excitedly, as we got into the ferris wheel's large capsules.

"We're having it to ourselves?" I asked in awe, as the man safely locked the door and the wheel started to slowly rotate.

Harry nodded, making my grin widen, as I leaned forward to observe the city through the glass.

"How did you know he was my father?" Harry's voice caught me off-guard, as I bit my lip.

"He's all over social media, and I saw him in the photo albums by the front door," I spoke, flashing Harry a weak smile, making him nod.

"Just wondering," I heard him mutter as I focused my gaze on the small distant buildings.

"It's breathtaking," I gasped in awe, as the street lights came on, and the sun began to set. Harry confidently put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, before tilting my chin to face him. We had a heated make-out session, which ended with both of us on the floor.

"You've got a little bit of lipstick there," I spoke, giggling, as I ran my fingers across his neck, making him bite his lip, his chest still heaving from the activity.

+ +

 I entered Harry's house, Harry following me, before shutting the door. We were still laughing about a joke he had said, as we took off our shoes. We glanced at each other when we heard the door bell ring.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, after checking through the peephole. He opened the door to 4 lads, making me smile as well.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Louis spoke, before he walked in, sassily high-fiving me. I laughed,   as the lads gave me proper hugs.

"I missed you Louis," I smiled at him, as he stretched his body on the sofa, casually crossing his hands behind his head. 

"Who wouldn't?" He replied, before laughing, making me playfully roll my eyes.

I sat next to Harry, at his will, as he explained to the lads why he didn't tell them about us here or Anne.

"But Harry, Anne's like a mother to us, you can't just hide that and have us find out the hard way," Liam spoke, making the lads agree.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Harry sighed, as I rubbed his knuckles, knowing it was something we both found soothing.

I offered to make some warm drinks for the lads, as they caught up on their families lives.

I opened the kitchen cupboards, not familiar with the tools' arrangement. I heard the back door, located in the kitchen, open, making me sigh in relief.

"Gemma, I'm so glad you came. The rest of the band is here and I can't find the-" I stopped myself, once a blonde entered instead of Gemma, not familiar at all.

"H-Harry!" I called out urgently, as she flashed me a sickly smile.

"What's the ma-" Harry's voice was heard, but he stopped when he caught sight of the blonde, his eyes widening.

"Kendall, go upstairs, now," Harry spoke sternly, his eyes looking at me intensely, interrupting the questions I was asking.

I pursed my lips, before walking past him and outside, where the lads were focused on the TV. I climbed the stairs, 2 at a time, as I felt anger and curiosity boil inside me.

+ +

I stayed in the room for the rest of the night and the following day. I started to refold my clothes, and organize them in my suitcase, because I had a feeling I'd be leaving soon.

"Kendall? May I come in?" I heard Harry's voice outside the door, making me walk over and turn the key, locking the door. 

He sighed once he heard the key click. He rattled the doorknob for a bit, before it gave away, opening the door easily.

"My mum used to do it all the time," Harry explained, reminding me it was his room.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, noticing my neat suitcase.

I didn't reply, as I sat on the bed, holding my phone and tapping on it.

"Would you please talk to me?" Harry groaned, picking my phone from my hands and putting it away.

"Who is she?" I asked, crossing my arms, making him sigh.

"She's no one special," Harry replied slowly, and I scoffed.

"Harry, we can't keep secrets from each other, it's not okay," I began, making him look at the ground.

"I respected your privacy and I never spied on you, don't you think you owe me?" I asked, moving closer to him, as he took a deep breath.

"I love you and I need you to remember that, alright?" Harry spoke, planting a kiss on my lips, making me frown.

"Does anyone know her?" I weakly asked, making him shake his head sideways.

"Get dressed, we're going out tonight," Harry spoke before getting up. 

He turned to look at me for a second, and I couldn't meet his eyes anymore. I wasn't even sure if I knew him.

All I know is that that blonde might potentially ruin our relationship, I deduced, after Harry's stern gaze at her last night and the times he's complimented me since her arrival.

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