t h i r t y t h r e e

Beginne am Anfang

"I was waiting until Christmas but here," I joked, pulling out a Calvin Klein sweater and handing it to him.

"I got you one," I explained, as he looked at the sweater then at me, a wide smile on his face.

He gave me a hug, still grinning at me, as he felt the smoothness of the sweater.

"I got your back, homie!" I called out, as he started to walk out the room to let me get ready.

"I know," He replied, before looking back at me, a genuine smile on his face.

+ +

I shivered as I stepped out of Harry's house, realizing how warm his house was. I tucked my chin into the large coat I was wearing, as Harry's hand intertwined with mine.

"Whatever happens, try not to get lost," Harry warned me, as we walked, observing the neighbors' activities and the afternoon sky.

"Lost? I know England like the back of my hand," I scoffed, holding up my hand at him, making him chuckle.

"Harry, there's a British kid waving at me. He's so cute," I gushed, waving back to the kid, who was playing on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, except he wasn't that cute last month when he had an exorcism. It happens to many kids here," Harry spoke grimly, making me turn to look at him, horrified.

"Stop it, I nearly got a heart attack!" I groaned, as Harry burst out laughing, making me elbow him.

+ +

"Here we are," Harry spoke, as we stood in front of Anne's hospital room, my stomach doing flips. I nervously bit my lip, as Harry briefly nodded at me, and opened the door, the beeping of a machine audible.

"Mum, someone's here to see you," I heard Harry speak softly, after they had greeted each other.

I stepped into the room, meeting her eyes for the first time in years.

"Hi Anne, I'm-" I started to say, in case she didn't recognize me.

"Kendall! Oh my dear, come here," Anne gasped, holding out her arms and I walked into them, giving her a hug.

"I've missed you," I spoke, unexpected tears falling from my eyes, making Harry rub my back assuringly.

"I missed you too. Look at you, you're such a gorgeous lady now!" Anne exclaimed, making me laugh.

"Just like the old times, isn't it?" Anne spoke happily, after eyeing me and Harry together for a good minute.

We sat with Anne for half an hour, catching up on my life and hers, until Harry offered to get us some warm drinks.

"How is England to you?" Anne asked me, making me sigh.

"It's been good," I replied, looking away, occurrences with her daughter flashing through my mind.

"Kendall, it hasn't been that long, I could still tell when you're lying," Anne spoke, making me smile nervously.

"It's just that I don't want to stress out Harry or anything," I started, as Anne nodded for me to continue.

"It's just, I don't know why Gemma's being a little.." I didn't know how to phrase it.

"Mean," I chose, as Anne recited a string of synonyms.

"Why don't you talk to her?" Anne asked, making me bite my lip.

"I'm too scared she'll say something about the past and.." I looked away, before a knock on the door was heard.

Harry walked in, a smile on his face, as he handed me a disposable cup of hot tea.

+ +


I gazed at Kendall thoughtfully, as she talked excitedly about visiting the tourist sights in the country.

"Harry? What is it? You've been staring at me for the past fifteen minutes. Don't you dare lie to me," Kendall spoke, and I sighed, taking her hands in mine. I glanced around the park we were in, making sure no paparazzi were around.

"I heard you, when you were talking to my mum about Gemma," I spoke guiltily, watching her face expression change.

"Why would you.." She started to ask, frowning.

"I didn't find the tea you wanted, so I came back to tell you but I heard my name and I got curious," I explained, as her hands slipped out of mine.

"You can't talk to her about it," Kendall suddenly spoke, after a brief silence.

"You have to promise me you won't," Kendall interrupted my protests, as she looked at me straight in the eye.

"A-Alright," I promised, surprised at how serious she was.

What  is going on between her and my sister? I thought to myself, as we got up from the bench and proceeded walking.


Dun, dun, dunn! Okay, so I'm planning on ending this book on the 40th chapter! 

ALSO, me and the lovely 0camilla0 made a book! Yes, it's a collaboration book on her account. It's a new and interesting experience for us because we've never experimented with that genre before. So go check it out and give it some love? x

Our Moment - HendallWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt