"What's all the commotion?", Ashton ask confused.

"Madison here for us a 2 week break", Luke says.

"SHE DID WHAT?!", they scream at the same time.

"What's wrong i'm doing the right thing", I say and Luke scoffs.

"You guys aren't well you have to have 10x the makeup you usually wear you have bags for days you can't jump without stumbling you jumble up the lyrics fall asleep and get right back to 3t minutes later to do something else you have to rest", I say looking at them.

"Why didn't you ask us", Michael ask.

"Ask 4 stubborn idiots yeah i'll pass", I say.

"God what did you do", Michael all pulling out his phone.

"I'm trying to help", I say.

"No you made it worse", he says.

"Fine one day you guys will pass out from the lack of sleep like dominos falling down one by one", I say grabbing my phone and storming out the room.

I go outside the buildings and call Elizabeth.

"Hola chikah", Elizabeth says and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"The boys are mad at me", I say sighing.

"Why?", she ask confused.

"Because I called Stacy and asked for a 2 week break", I say.

"Madison why did you do that?", she ask confused.

"They were worn down they needed it I thought I was helping but they all freaked out on me", I say.

"That's because of the contact they signed if they take a break they loose thousands of dollars 2 weeks they lost maybe 2 million 3 million I don't know but they have to earn a certain amount of money on their contact or they get dropped from the contact which means unemployment", she says and my eyes shoot open.

"I didn't know what do I do?", I ask panicking.

"Um they can try to take it back but I don't know", she says and I run my fingers through my hair.

"Oh god", I say.

"Don't worry the boys have everything under control", she says but I still freak out.

"No I have to do something", I say.

"You can't just hope the boys handle it in a professional way", she says.

"Were screwed i'll call you back", I say.

"Mads i'm telling you let them handle it you will make things worst just let it go", she says.

"Your right I gotta apologize to the boys", I say sighing.

"Alright bye Mads", she says.

"Bye", I say and walk back inside the hotel to our room and open the door.

"Yes thank you so much", Luke says over the phone and the others let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey guys i'm sorry", I say once he removes the phone from his ears.

"It's ok", Michael says.

"Why didn't you tell me", I ask confused.

"It never really came up I guess", Luke says and I nod.

"But you guys look so tired I just thought you needed the break", I say.

"Were tough we can handle it we have like 2months left were halfway through", Ashton says and I nod.

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