Requested #13

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For @FobsessedGirl
Pete imagine.
Julia's POV
I brushed my blue hair and looked in the mirror one last time. This is the last day I wouldn't have a hole in the middle of my nose. Today I was getting a septum piercing. I had worn a fake septum ring and I thought I looked good and I got compliments a lot on it. I was surprising my boyfriend Pete! I slipped on my converse and walked out the door. I drove to the mall and went to the piercing place. I told the lady what I wanted and she got everything ready. I decided on a loop. She told me it wouldn't hurt to bad just a slight pinch. I winced at the slight pain but nothing to severe. I looked in the mirror and it looked really good! I drove home after going into Hot Topic! I got some more shirts! I got into the house and Pete still wasn't home. I made pizza and heard a screech when I took it out of the oven. "YOU MADE PIZZA?!?!?!" Pete asked yelling. "Yes it that a problem?" I asked looking at him. "No!!!!!! It's never a problem! Did you get a new fake septum ring?" He asked. "No it's real!"
"You look really cute!" He complimented.
"Thank you kindly!" I said giving him a kiss.
We ate pizza and we talked about his piercings that he used to have.
I wanted to watch a movie so I decided on Hercules.
I really love Disney movies!
I ended up falling asleep when the credits were rolling. I fall asleep really early! Pete cuddled me while watching Lilo and Stitch.

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