Toni thought up a name quickly. “Prince.”

Erik nodded and Toni decided to cut to the chase.

“I have a business proposition” she blurted.

“Business? What further business could you have with me?” Erik asked, turning his head toward her.

“It’s a little strange, so brace yourself” Toni warned.

He narrowed his eyes at her so she just said it as it was. “I need you to fake marry me so I can get these rustlers off my back.”

“What? Have you lost your marbles?” Erik exclaimed, turning to fully face her.

“No, I assure you I haven’t” Toni said in a tone to match his.

“Why can’t you get anyone else to fake marry you? No… I can’t do it” Erik shook his head with decision.

“How about twice your normal wages?” Toni offered.

She knew it would be tight, but with selling a few horses and saving her ranch, it would pay off.


Twice his wages. His sister, Emily, could have the wedding of her dreams. Being married, but not really, to a woman like Toni wasn’t very tempting. Not very tempting at all. Yet imagining Emily having the wedding that a sweet girl like her deserved seemed to make the idea not so horrid. He thought a moment.

“Are you sure you wanna do that?” he asked.

She diverted her eyes for a moment before fixing those brown pools of attitude on him again. “Yes” she stated.

Erik nodded. He was going to regret this.

“Boss, you’ve got yourself a deal” he held out his hand.

She took his hand and shook it hard. “No funny business?”

“Absolutely not. This is temporary” Erik said.


“Just don’t get any ideas about staying married after this is over” Erik teased.

Her eyes flashed. “Oh, that’s funny. So funny.”


Katie shifted in her side-saddle and looked over the Texas landscape filled with tiny shrubs and grass but not an outbuilding in sight, let alone any sign of a ranch. The rolling hills seemed to never end as the heated sun beat down on her unmercifully. She should have asked for directions to the BF Ranch back in town. Her instinct had been to follow the road but now the road had fizzled out and she was…lost. Admitting it to herself gave her even less confidence than she had initially started out with. Bluebonnets dotted the land in front of her, waving in the warm breeze that was not helping Katie’s feelings in the least.

She looked around her for some sign of movement other than the waving of the grass in the wind, but there was no sign of people anywhere.

Her traveling dress was uncomfortable, but her corset was nearly unbearable in the heat. Sighing and wiping perspiration from her forehead with the back of her hand, Katie nudged her rented horse, Champion, forward.

No sooner had they got going than a rider was seen topping a rise with a horse in tow. Feeling the relief sweep over her body, Katie relaxed in the saddle. She urged Champion to walk toward the rider, who sped up at the sight of her.

“You lost, lady?” he asked in a long, Texas drawl as he neared her.

“I think so. Do you know where the BF Ranch is?” Katie asked the stranger.

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