Chapter 23 - Zalgo

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I've been reading about 20 different creepypasta fanfictions and about half of them have lemon chapters in the first or second chapter. My reaction is- "Wow. They are already doing that when they don't even know each other well?!" Can someone send me a good story cx I don't want to go through any storys like that again. ;p

This story might be weird and stuff like what in on her wings but, it'll all make sense in the future. Idfc if it can't happen but it is my imagination and my story. c:

Also, I'm working on a new story called "Creepypasta Proxy Institution" I promise it's going to be way better, or at least I hope!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Sorry for such a short chapter, I don't have inspiration for this story. Any ideas?

~Melru's POV~
Hmph. It's a good thing that he doesn't know that I'm not Melody.. yet... I walked downstairs and was about to walk out the door until Melody's sister stopped me. She stared at me and asked, "Where are you going, Melru?" "I'm just going out for a walk. Anyway, how'd you know I am not her?" I asked.

Great. Just great.

"Easy, she's always asleep at this hour, you should know that. Also, she doesn't have wings." She replied.

Uhh... I knew that.

"Well let me go out, you know I need to do this, please... It's been so long." She hesitated for a second and answered me after a minute passed. She probably saw the mark on my wings... Hmm.. "Fine, just today though..." She said.

And with that, I left the mansion and went into the woods.

Once I was in the woods, I saw something, no, someone? That person... it doesn't look human... Wait... I know who it is.. It's Zalgo.. I have to be obedient..

He then lunged at me and pinned me down.. He was on top of me and he smirked. "Who are you? Wait... Melru..." He said. "How's Melly?" He asked. (A/N Melly=Melody) "She's fine." I replied.

"Great, has she learned to control you yet?" Zalgo asked me. "No, she has just released me." I replied truthfully. "She will have to learn to control you."

It's been so long since I've seen you both." He said. "Indeed. It's such a shame that Slenderman took me and Melody when we were born. Mind telling me the entire story again? I seem to have forgotten most of the story." I asked.

"I would be happy to." He said.

He started the story of with, "My wife and I both had a child. That child happened to be Melody. When Melody was born, she was born with special powers to control you, Melru. She still needs to learn how to use them though.

It took us a few days to find out about you but, when we did, I wrote the words "He comes" on your wings. There was no other mark I could put on your wings other than "He comes" to prove that you and Melody are mine. You were mine... I suppose you've been hiding it well when you were using Melody's body. Correct?" He said

I nodded and he continued the story.

"Slenderman found out about us having a child and ordered Aer to take her and pose as her sister. She did and kept her protected from me. They were afraid I was going to get to her, the thing was, I already got to her when she was young..

Slenderman didn't like the idea of having the child alive so he sent Jeff to kill her. He failed though because Aer protected her. Oh such a terrible mistake. I may now use her once she finds out how to control you and she may not disobey me, for she is my proxy." He stopped the story there.

"Hmm.. Do you know how long it will take for her to learn how to use a powers?" I asked.

"It is uncertain still but, she will at some point, until then, we must fight with the army we have. Fight at night with no mercy if you please, if you don't feel free to wait until she can control you." He said to me.

If I wait until she learns how to control me it could get interesting..

Yay! Now you know a bit more of the story ^~^

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