Twenty Two[Finale]

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Third person POV, This is so cheesy it's actually ridiculous. And it's probably really crappy too I'm sorry I did try aha

Rose wasn't breathing, the moon pool lay still yet the glowing star around her was still bright. Arianne had shed tears, she had collapsed to the floor with no hope of coming out of this war alive, rumbling sounded from the surface and she couldn't bare to see how many bodies were laid across the snow. But then something happened, a light blinded both Callum and Arianne, they could barely see a thing which was happening to Rose but once the light died down they saw a figure; a ghost.

Her eyes held the palest hint of Gold, her face pale and smooth and her white dress mimicked the waves in the water, she floated down and bent slowly down to Rose's face, her eyes were closed and her lips were an icy blue. She was too far gone, she was already dead.

"M-mom" Arianne stuttered as she wiped away tears from her face.

Vera looked young, almost looking like Rose's age "I'm proud of you Arianne, you and Thea"

Her mother's words brought a river flowing down Arianne's face as Callum tried to console her, she cried into his shirt.

Vera turned her attention back to the dead girl she was floating in the water "They cannot Win Rose, you must fight" Vera sucked in a breath as she entered Rose's body. Her body morphing with Rose's and they became one, Rose's body glowed and shone brightly, a light so bright that darkness shrilled up and died in the presence of such purity. Her eyes shot open, her whole eye was glowing a pale blue colour. Even her Sclera, she glowed and she looked beautiful,

Three words escaped her mouth "They cannot win"

Within seconds she floated up from the pool, water dripped from her bare toes, it was like she now shared Vera's appearance. Instead of wearing the clothes she used to have on, she now wore the same white silk dress Vera had on, and her determination was stronger than it was before.


Blood stained the snow, corpses laid on the ground lifeless, their clothes torn and hearts no longer beating. Sweat dripped down Dean's brow as he threw a knife at an angel who tried to slice his sister, Thalia jumped out of her skin. Tears streamed down her face as she held a dagger close to her chest.

"I told you to stay inside?" Dean growled.

Thalia was quick to see the angel coming to her left, growing up with brother's who are the best vampire fighters had given her a good advantage. She kneed the angel and slit his throat within seconds, Dean stood jaw dropped at what he'd just witnessed his sister do. She has never even had the courage to kill anyone for blood let alone slit someone's throat "They invaded the house! I had to run"

"Just don't die Okay! they have those god damn swords that can kill us" Dean told her.

"That's great advice" Thalia said sarcastically. Dean cursed and grabbed his sister's arm, he readied his dagger and she readied her's together they walked through the woods where they killed any angel they saw flying. But they didn't see the angel in the tree, he had the sword in his hands as he licked his lips; his eyes traced Deans body and thought of the worst way possible to end his pretty life. Thalia caught a glimpse of the angel before he jumped and screamed "Dean watch out!"

It was too late, Dean wasn't quick enough to react to the Angel who leaped and was about to stab him. Until an arrow hit the angel in his throat before he touched Dean, both Dean and Thalia were stunned and shaken as of where the arrow came from. Who saved them?

"D-Dean" Thalia mumbled, she was shaking when she tapped her brother on the shoulder. He angrily turned to her directed and felt his heart fall to his stomach.

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