Jordan's POV
"I'm sorry for everything I said yesterday. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I truly mean that. I love you, no matter what I say."
"I love you too. I just don't understand why you hurt so much."
"My cousins that were at panera are evil. The boy, Sam kidnapped me a month ago. He and his friends raped me, and beat me, and have done that since I was five. My cousin Paige hates me. She's a bully. She's beat me up and accused me of stealing and selling her stuff. I have horrible memories. That's why I hurt so much. But I love you."
"Come here." I crawl over to him and lay my head on his chest. "I love you, past, present and future."
"Thank you. Let's go inside and practice our dances."
"Okay. Can I ask you something, actually two things?"
"Of course."
"The first is why did you cry after the dance yesterday?"
"It wasn't perfect. We are perfec. I thought us improving was going to be perfect but it wasn't."
"Oh, well that's fixable. The second is can I kiss you?"
"You never have to ask."
We stand on the trampoline and everything around us stops. We kiss for what seems like forever. We sit and I have his hair running through my fingers. His hands on my cheeks. We break away for air. Our foreheads touching. We smile "I love you." I whisper before I reconnect our lips. "Jordan! Time for lunch then we are going to see our 5H aunts." Meadow yells breaking us apart.
"Okay!" I shout back and press my lips against his one more time. We go inside holding hands. Mom made turkey sandwiches and fruit salad. We eat. The door opens. Mom runs to it. "Marrisa!" She yells. Mom and Marisa come into the kitchen. "While they finish eating. I'll go ahead explain the calendar." Mom explains everything to her.
"Okay where are my nieces?"
"Here!" Maddie screams raising her hand. I laugh and both Meadow and I raise our hands "I missed you." She says
"Hi."Corrbin says then takes another bite of his sandwich. Marrisa talks to Meadow while she paces the kitchen.
"Thanks for the sandwich Mrs. Lovato."
"Your welcome. Call me Demi. Can you dance in what you're wearing?" Mom asks.
"Yeah." He's wear basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
"Okay. Jordan take your sister up stairs and change. We are going to the venue."
"Okay, Meadow let's go." Meadow and I run upstairs to her room. "What do you wanna wear."
"I don't care... Anything."
I go to the dance section of her closest and pull out her black sparkly sports bra and her purple spandex shorts. I have her put on some flip flops and grab her dance shoes. I go to my room and change into my lime green crop top, and put on my hot pink spandex shorts. I grab my dance shoes and throw them in a bag with Meadow's. I throw my hair into a messy bun. "Jordan! Let's go." Dad yells. I start to run down the stairs but slip and tumble half way down. When I finally hit the floor everyone is stand around me. "Omg! Baby are you okay." Corrbin
"No worries, just tried to cartwheel down the stairs." I say laughing. Everyone laughs. We go into the car. I sit in the middle so I can hold Corrbin's hand. "Hey how come you didn't do my hair?" Meadow whines.
I cringe and take a deep breath, "You didn't ask me to."
"But you know I want you to do my hair always." She whines.
"Yeah?" He says looking at me in the rear view mirror.
"She's whining."
"Meadow, no whining."
"But daddy she didn't do my hair."
"Did you ask her?"
"No, but..."
"Then stop whining now. How is she supposed to know that you wanted her to do your hair, if you didn't ask?"
"Because she knows!" She screams.
Dad pulls over, and turns to face us, "That is enough. You didn't ask, she didn't do it. Now you are a big girl and you need to act like it. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, but-"
"No, that's it. No buts."
"Meadow I'll do your hair when we get there." Mom says as Dad starts to drive again.
"No, I don't want anyone to do my hair. I'll do it." She snaps.
"Okay then."
We get to venue and Fifth Harmony is performing. Corrbin and I sit down, and stretch. They finish their setlist. Corbin and I finish stretching. I put in my dance shoes. "Mom, can we do the surpise dance?"
"Yeah, Aaron play the 'Diva' mix. You two get up here. We will watch. Then I want you guys to dance to 'In Case' again. Then you and Meadow do your dance to Jessie J."
"Okay. Meadow you wanna dance with me first?"
"Yes!" She says bouncing.
I look at the Fifth Harmony girls,"What did you do to my sister?"
"Nothing much really, just gave her ice cream for breakfast." Lauren says glaring at the other girls who are laughing.
"Are you guys crazy!"
"Yeah!" Camilla yells. I laugh. I throw Meadow on my back and carry her on stage.
"Aaron play 'Who's Laughing Now' by Jessie J." Mom yells. Meadow and I sit on the edge of the stage and our heads. The music starts. We are in the zone. In the end we hug. I look out and Mom is crying. Camila and Dinah are screaming,"THOSE ARE MY NIECES!!!"
Corrbin runs up to the stage and kisses me. Dad and Lauren both yell,"No kissing!"
"Hey Aaron play the 'Diva' track please!" I shout from the stage the music starts. Corrbin and I dance. We finish and we sit on the stage and catch to breath. "You guys ready for 'In Case'?" Mom asks.
"No, I need water and an apple or something."
Mom looks at me weird,"Okay, Dad and I will go get snacks."
"Okay." I say. They leave. Corrbin and I go and sit on the floor in front of Lauren and Normani. "You guys are amazing." Normai says.
"Thank you." Corrbin and I say at the same time. We giggle.
"How'd you two lovebirds meet?" She asks.
"Dance. We literally ran into eachother."
"What type of dance do you do." Lauren asks.
"We both do ballroom, ballet, hip hop and I also do tap and acro."
"Show me a ballet dance." Lauren says.
"Okay. Can I plug my phone in to the system?"
"Yeah, give it Aaron and he will play it."
I run over to Arron, "Hey, can you play this song for me when I get back on the stage?"
"Yeah, no problem sweetheart." He says.
I smile,"Thanks."
I run on to the stage and give him a thumbs up. 'Big Girls Cry' starts playing by Sia. This is a new dance I've come up with. I start standing with my head hanging. I do a set of pirouettes in a circle then spin out into a back hand spring, and start my story within the song. The song ends and everyone claps. Mom and Dad are back. They smile. I walk down and take the bottle of water and apple Mom got me. "Hey Jordan walk with me." Lauren says.
"Okay." I follow her out to the hall.
"I think you should come up with a surpise dance to 'Nightingale' for your mom. It's a really emotional song for her, and she plays the piano. It would be awesome. She's hurting right now. I know it would mean a lot."
"Yeah I'll do that. So I'm guessing you know what he mom said to her."
"It was aweful. But I got my momma's back. That's all that matters."
"I know. Your mom is so proud of you girls. She loves you so much."
"I know. Let's get back before they notice how long we've been gone." I finish my apple. While mom sings 'Really Don't Care'. "Jordan and Corrbin get up here. " Corrbin and I dance to 'In Case while she sings. Then she finishes her setlist.
"Okay we need to head out... I'll see you guys tomorrow. Corrbin we will take you home."
We all get into the car. Meadow falls asleep. We pull up to Corrbin's house. I walk Corrbin to the door, "I'm so glad we talked today. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow or something." I tell him. He pulls me in and we kiss. We only pull apart because the front door opens. "Dad called and wants to talk to you." Coral says bluntly.
"Hey Coral. How are you?" I ask.
"Fine. Call dad back." She says, then slams the door shut again. Corrbin just stand there for a second and sighs.
"Okay call your dad back. Call me if you wanna talk." I tell him. I peck him on the cheek. Then I run back to the car.
"What a bitch." I mumble as I put my seat belt on.
"Who?" Mom asks.
"25 cents" Dad says, backing out.
"His sister, she opened the door said something then slam the door in his face."
"I know."
We hit a stop light and I look out the window and Corrbin is running down the street. I roll down the window."BABE! What are you doing?" I yell. He keeps going.
"Here's your phone be home by eight. Here's twenty bucks, pick up some food." Mom tells me as Dad pulls over.
"Okay, thank you. Love you." I hop out of the car and take off my flip flops and run behind Corrbin. "Babe, stop!" I scream he stops. He's crying. "Hey follow me." I take off running to my tree house and he follows. I take him inside and we sit down on my bed. "What's wrong." I ask.
He hugs me and crys. I hold him till he gets it all out. "Talk to me."
"I called my dad back when I got inside. You wanna know how he answered the phone?"
"Hey, fag boy."
"What! Why would he say that. What a bitch."
"Because my sister is his angel and he believes everything she tells him. He thinks I'm gay. I hate him. I hate him so much."
"I'm so sorry. Come here come snuggle. I need to call my mom."
We crawl under the blankets. I call mom. "Hey baby, everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm at my tree house I know it's seven now. Corrbin and I are gonna snuggle, then go eat, I'll be a little late I'm going to walk him home."
"Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Call me if you need me to come get you guys."
"Okay I will, bye."
I snuggle with him. I sing him 'A Trophy Father, A Trophy Son' by Sleeping With Sirens. "Let's go eat and get you home."
"Okay thanks babe. I love you."
"I love you too."
We go to Subway and eat. I walk him to his house. "Hey you can come over tomorrow in the afternoon."
"Okay. Text me when you get home."
"I will." I give him a quick kiss goodbye then head home. I turn on to our street and I notice a car is following me. I get my phone out of my back pocket and call mom. "Mom someone is following me."
"Where are you?"
"Two blocks away. I'm going to duck into the woods and keep walking. Can you come get me?"
"Yeah stay on the phone."
I duck into the woods and begin to run. The car has stopped. I can hear footsteps following me. "Hey I'm on Carson street, where are you."
"I'm there I'm going to-"
"River!" I hear somone yell.
"I'm coming up on the street light." "Okay I'm going to stop there."
I trip and fall. "Ow. Shit,"
"River! You bitch get out here and face me."
"Mom, it's Paige. I think I twisted my ankle."
"It's okay baby I'm coming."
I keep limping as Paige gets closer. "You fucking bitch where are you!"
"Jordan! Where are you." Mom screams.
"I'm coming mom."
"I found you bitch." She punches me in the stomach. I land on the ground.
I scream. "You want to fucking get me arrested. You think you can get away with it?"
I kick her in the shin and she screams. I stand up. Mom is there. "Don't move." Sam says. I flinch. "You thought you could get away with telling on me? Get me arrested. You won't live to tell." He points a gun at Mom.
Paige smacks me, then kicks me in the knee. I fall. I quickly pull out my phone and hit the emergency call button and dial 911 and leave my phone face done on the ground. I manage to get back on my feet and punch Paige in the nose. She screams. Then I manage to get my one good leg up high enough to kick the gun out of Sam's hand. "Mom run!"
"Mom! Please go. Please I need to you to go now! FUCKING RUN!" I scream at her. She shakes her head but backs away. Sam is still searching for his gun. I kick him in the balls. Grab the gun and Mom's hand and drag her out of the woods. As we hit the sidewalk, I feel a stab in my back. I scream. I stand infront of Mom and point the gun at them.
"You both have fucking tortured me my entire life. I hate that I love you, but I will shoot you with no problem. Try me, move."
Sam takes a step, and I point the gun at his foot, "You wouldn't do that, River girl."
"Take one more step and you'll find out."
He takes a step, and I pull the trigger. I my ears begin to ring. I'm laying on the sidewalk. Paige is screaming. Mom is covering her ears standing in shock. I look at Paige. Then see the flashing red and blue lights.

Stay gold.
~Sydney 😘👌

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