Supernatural x Reader x Harry Potter

Start from the beginning

"I can ensure my own safety. Thanks," you said glaring at the man.

You saw Dean and Sam whispering about something, but you ignored them and took the books back from Sam. You stormed off to the lore section and put away your books where they belonged. Someone grabbed your waist and put a cloth over your face. You freaked out and tried not to breathe, but of course you ended up breathing and passed out.

When you started to wake up, you could hear yelling and all kind of other noises. You couldn't open your eyes though. You started to move to see if you could get out. Soon someone rubbed your eyes and you could open them again and they cut off your ropes. It was Sam. You looked at his hands and saw a putty type substance on his fingers.

"What is that? Where am I? Did you kidnap me," you said, now standing.

"I'm not sure what this is, it was on your eyes. You are in the middle of no where. And, no we didn't kidnap you," he answered very calmly.

"Then who did," you glared at him.

"We've taken care of them. You aren't hurt or anything right," he asked looking at you.

"I don't think so," you said looking over your body, "Um, Sam, I don't think my back should be bleeding."

He gently turned you around, "Can I lift up your shirt?"

"Um, sure. Don't peek around to the front though," you blushed.

He pulled up your shirt and inspected your wound, "Does it hurt?"

"Not really. It's kind of numb," you said as he applied pressure to areas around the wound.

"Hey Sammy did you find the- Woah! Sorry," Dean smiled, turning around to walk away.

"No! Dean come here. Do you think we can take care of this or does she need a hospital," Sam said, still feeling around the wound.

"We can take care of it," Dean said, looking at it.

"Can I put my shirt down now," you blushed.

"Yeah. Sorry," Sam said, releasing your shirt.

You quickly pulled it down and turned to look at the two boys, "Okay. So what happened? You know. What happened to me? Why am I here?"

"Well, we are the Winchesters. We hunt supernatural things like vampires, ghosts, witches, and all types or lore like that. In your case, vampires became infatuated with you. We are guessing this isn't your first time in this town because they have multiple pictures of you. We saw them take you and followed them," Sam explained while Dean just nodded his head every once in a while. 

You cringed slightly at the words 'hunt' and 'witches' being in the same sentence. What they don't know won't hurt them. Right?

"I do come here a lot. For business. I live in England," you said, "What about Lucifer?"

"You are okay with everything you just heard," Sam gasped, "And, Lucifer is really the biblical Satan."

"I knew you had an accent," Dean smiled.

Sam gave a bitch face to Dean, "(y/n) can you stay with us for a while?"

"Yeah. I will have to get my stuff from my hotel though," you said, now feeling the pain from your back, "Guys, my back hurts. Really bad."

Sam watched you fall back into the seat behind you before picking you up and carrying you to their car.

"1967 Impala. Nice," you smiled.

"My Baby. Don't scratch her," Dean smirked at you.

"Wouldn't dream of it," you said, admiring the car. Sam put you down on the seat and wrapped a cloth around your body so you wouldn't bleed on the seats. You smiled at him and felt on the seat under you. You felt a bit tired so you fell asleep, feeling safe with your saviors.

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