Chapter - 6 - The dream

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“Jennah! Anna! Come downstairs sweetie! Dinner’s ready!”, mom called us. Anna and I looked at each other and without saying a word I quickly ran downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen setting the plates. “What’s wrong?, she asked, her eyes were showing motherly concern. I realized I was panting and my whole body was trembling.” Nothing mom.” I took a deep breath and sat on one the chairs. Jake just arrived from the bonfire. He must have had a good time; it was clear on his face. “Hey!”, I said.

“Oh hey! Why did you leave so early? You should have seen Mr. Apolo playing the guitar and of course singing!!”

“What??”, I screamed in surprise. He sang? And I missed it.
“Yeah! It was so cool! He did have a nice voice! Everyone was awestruck!”, he continued not noticing my sad face.

“Hello Mrs. Patterson”, Anna exclaimed climbing down the stairs.
“Oh hello Anna. Come join us!”, my mom waved at the empty chair beside Jake and across me.

My heart was racing again. Did she really mean those stuffs she said earlier? Were those cries not my imagination? Then why didn’t I see anything? Why didn’t Mr. Apolo see anything?

As she sat, I felt her gaze upon me. It was burning me. I mouthed her “Stop it”, but she just kept staring at me.
It was very frustrating throughout the meal as she continued to stare like I was the only living thing on this earth.

“I’m done!”, I stood up and went upstairs. What was wrong with that girl? Before she could creep me out anymore, I got inside my room and shut the door. Wiggles was sitting on my bed. I smiled at him. He was so adorable and fluffy; I always end up cradling him like a new born baby.
“Meow!”, he purred.

“You hungry wiggles?, he licked his small foot. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a cat food can. Pouring it into his little plate, I singled him to come here; he obediently ran up to me and started eating. I caressed his back. His soft brown fur detangling as I brushed my fingers in them.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Who’s there?, I yelled out. No reply. “Anna is that you? I’m not opening the door! Go away!”, I warned her. Silence. I could only hear my soft breathing and Wiggle’s’ constant chewing.

Maybe she went away. I climbed on my bed and pulled the mattress over my head. My eye ‘lids were quickly becoming heavy as I slowly drifted into a nice sleep.

“Jennah! Wait!”, a five year old girl shouted as she struggled to keep up with me. I was crying and running away from someone, probably her. I ran as fast as my little legs could take me. I stopped to catch a breath. Loud weeps were coming out of my mouth. That girl was behind me. She stopped too. Her eyes were filled with quilt.
“You promised me!”, i realized that little voice was coming out of my mouth. “You promised me you’ll never leave!”, I continued. Tears rolled down her little cheek. Her long black hair was braided and her dark eyes were big making her look like a porcelain doll.

She walked towards me and said, “I’m sorry Jennah! Don’t cry. We are soul-sisters remember? We will never be apart. We are only five years old no! I will meet you when you will grow up okay?”
Somewhat, her words meant the world to me. I gave a weak smile. “Pinky promise?”, I asked.

“Yes, Pinky promise”
“Anna!!”, a man called her. She stood up and straightened her little frock. Then she gave me an apologetic smile and walked up to him. I watched her silently as she got inside the black car and drove away.

Pain was too much than my little heat could bear. I crunched my legs up to my chest and wept silently. “Jennah…”, someone called me from the woods. It was autumn. Dried orange leaves were everywhere. “Jennah…help me”, a voice said again. And then I heard it. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh”, a big scream.

I shot my eyes open to see the morning ray penetrating through my window. Was that a dream? Why would I dream a smaller version of Anna and myself? Something was seriously wrong with my head.  I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the blurry vision, then climbed out of bed to get ready for school.

“I’m telling you Louis, he is a complete hottie!,” Paula informed Louis, who just seemed very annoyed by her comments.
I was maths class. Mr. Apolo would be here any minute. Most of the girls were very busy re-applying their make-ups. And the boys were sneering at them. It was a very funny site. I giggled. “What are you getting to excited about?”, Cheryl snapped. Anger boiled up inside me. Can’t this girl just shut her little mouth for one second? Before I could say anything, Louis spoke up, “Mind your own Petty business, Cheryl!”, he said.
She just shrugged indifferently and went back to her applying lip gloss.
“I’ve got your back girl”, Louis assured, patting me on my back. I just smiled at him. There were some gasps coming from some girl’s mouth. I knew what that meant. He was here.

“Good morning class!”, Mr. Apolo mused, his voice cheerier than usual.
“Good morning Mr. Apolo”, they all cooed together as if they were in nursery. I rolled my eyes. Every day was the same. Whenever there was a math class. These things would happen. The girls would happily dance on Mr. Apolo’s fingertips. Pathetic!
“How are you all? I’ve got a very good activity for you!”, he continued rubbing his hands together excitedly. We all stared at him in confusion. Activity? What was he talking about?
“Okay! But first of all, I have a question for you all. How .Good.Are.You.In. Maths?”, he emphasized each words of the question. Everyone mumbled that they were pretty good at it. I just kept my mouth shut waiting for whatever he was planning on to do. He seemed satisfied with those answers so he continued, “Yes that’s the spirit! I expected that because….. We are going to play a game!.”
A game? Seriously? The whole class was filled with whispers. He hushed them down and pulled a glassy container that looked more like a fish bowl out of a bag he was carrying today.
As I looked closer, I saw many paper folded chips inside. What was this dude planning to do with them?
“Pstt!”, a voiced alerted me from my behind. I turned to see Cheryl smirking at me. I was too tired to show hostility towards her so I just asked, “what?”.
“Isn’t he a da-Rling?”

“Cheryl, please keep your thoughts to yourself!”, I turned back and tried to concentrate to whatever he was explaining.
“So.. Who’s coming first?.... Jennah!”, he called me.

Wait. He called me? Out of everyone else? I didn’t even know what to do. God Cheryl! I glared at her before I stood up hesitantly and asked, “ ah….. What?”.
“Come up here”

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