"I Don't Like To See You Upset"

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"What are you doing here?" I hissed, angry boiling in my blood. How dare he show his face?

"I came to talk to you," he said, stepping forward in his impeccable black suit. I took a step back as he approached. "Haven't changed much." He observed smirking.

"I'd rather not be within a 10 mile radius of you, this," I motioned to him, "being in the same house as me, is too much to deal with. Get out."

"That's no way to treat your dad." He laughed, stepping back from me.

"You're not my dad. You were my father, but you'll never be a dad to me. And as far as I'm concerned; you're dead to me." I raged, anger filling my veins and flowing through every particle in me. Rage filled my eyes and frustration tensed up my muscles.

His face contorted into hurt before he composed himself again. "I'll get straight to the point then. I didn't come visit you out of love, my dear boy." He sneered. "So you know about me meeting with my family. Very well. There will be no more secrets. If I want to see my family, I god damn will. You won't stop me. And if in the foreseeable future, I choose to move back into my home; you will be gone, you hear? This is my house, son. This is my family and you are just deadbeat living here. You are nothing but a weak child! You bring shame to me, to your mother and yourself. You should be disgraced. You cannot even protect yourself and you're the town whore! Letting every man have you even in the alley-"

Shaking with anger, I marched forward and slapped him straight in the face with as much strength as I could. "That. Was. Not. My. Decision. I didn't ask for it nor did I fucking want it, you arsehole! You don't know anything because you up and fucking left when I needed you!" I roared, anger seeping from my shaking hands. My voice turned quiet and soft. "Do you fucking know the definition of 'rape'? It's not consensual sex. I didn't want it. I fought so hard. I fucking tried to get away. As hard as I could. But a sixteen-year-old boy is no match for 3 men! I fought so hard that they broke my leg, my arm and my ribs. Don't you dare tell me I asked for it. Because I fucking begged them not to. Now get the fuck outta here before I break your legs."

I think I saw a glisten of water in his eye before he took his fancy ass suit and walked out the door without another word. When the door closed, I locked it on the latch and fell to my knees infront of it sobbing. Everything I had tried to stick together from my broken self had just shattered yet again. No amount of super glue could fix me. I was unfixable.

I wasn't aware of how much time passed but I do know that when I got up from my knees and stopped my crying it was dark outside.

I could hear the rain pounding down against the windows and doors. I was cold from getting drenched earlier.

A bath sounded so inviting right now. But of course, nothing in my life goes right and a urgent knock sounded on the door. My face was still swollen and red from my little breakdown on the floor.

The knock came again harder and longer than the previous. Sighing, I trudged forward in my still wet clothes and opened the door. The sound of torrential rain bouncing off the concrete filled my ears and the smell of wet grass filled my nose. My eye however, where met with a very wet and vulnerable looking Louis Tomlinson.

His blue irises looked up at me from beneath their lashes. "What are you doing here?" I demanded harshly, my voice still lower than normal from crying.

Louis looked uncertain for only a moment before sighing exasperatedly. "To do this." The sentence was barely finished before his thin lips were glued to mine and his soaking cold body was pressed to mine, forcing me backward into the warm comfort of my home.

Don't Touch Me // Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now