"What The Fuck Happened?"

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I awoke panting yet again laying in a tangle of blankets. My body was reacting to fear by both sweating and shivering. I exhaled loudly and pain shot through my torso.

"Argh!" I panted quickly trying to take in a deep breath. The pain in my chest was fiery and thick, compressing my lungs making deep breaths almost impossible.

I unbuttoned my jeans and wriggled out of them with much difficulty and pain. Could I try to run? It'd be hard. But I could...

Breathless I sat up and clawed at the bed sheets as the fire intensified. I can't run. Definitely can't. A feeling of being trapped took over me. Shit, calm down! Come on fuckhead! Calm down.

I couldn't stay in my house. I couldn't. I'm trapped if I stay here. Swiftly I scooped up a pair of joggers from the floor and gently pulled them over my green and purple legs. I stood up stiffly and groaned at the feeling of pain in my legs and torso. Deciding to take some medication, I reached over and took the pills dry. I scooped up my phone, shoes and gym bag. After I had waddled downstairs I searched for Gemma's keys, my car was still god knows where! I figured Gemma wouldn't mind; she's sleeping anyway. As I made my way out the door I grabbed a jacket and limped on out.

My phone showed a text from Ed, but I was still pissed at him so I didn't bother reading it, instead chucking it in the passenger seat with my gym bag when I climbed into Gemma's SUV.

My muscles ached, my bones groaned and my head was pounding. So much for them tablets. Fucking doctors.


"And look right here, Harry." The doctor said, holding up his finger and moving it side to side as he shone a bright light into my eye. I followed his fingers and he searched my eyes for god knows what!

"Perfect," he said turning off the flashlight. "It seems you have a concussion. Don't worry though, you're in safe hands now. What's your pain like 1-10?"

"6," I groaned. I felt like I was dying. My leg was broken and several ribs were fractured or broken. My shoulder was dislocated and my ass burned.

"Only a 6? Are you sure? It a ok to tell me-" he was cut off by me vomiting. He rushed over with a bucket for me to empty my stomach in. Once I finished and rinsed my mouth. "I don't care can you just get me some damn morphine!"

He nodded his dumb little head. What the fuck did it matter what number I was?! I was in pain and he fucking knew it.

Once he hooked me up I demanded to be left alone and I cried. Hugging my waist I rocked back and forth crying. Crying at the pain, at the memories and at the sympathetic glances I was getting. I couldn't say which was worse.

*end of flashback*

I shivered and shook myself out of my thoughts. Gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles were white, I whispered, "No not this time. Come on." I encouraged myself to start the car and I drove off down the road.

The radio was playing softly but I was mostly listening to the rain that was battering the car windows and watching the orange and yellow leaves fall from the dying trees. It was beautiful.

I drove for 10 minutes, flying through the non congested streets and up to the 24/7 gym. This might be difficult, who knows.

Grabbing my gym bag, I exited the car quickly and walked through the almost empty parking lot. The sky was dark and the moon was still vibrate among all the stars.

When I entered the gym I swiped my membership card and the barricades opened. After I changed clothing I entered one of the countless gyms which was completely empty and I was overjoyed at. I knew better than to go lift weights in my current condition so I was drawn to the treadmill. I'd take it easy, light jogging. I couldn't do sit-ups in with my ribs being like this. So as I jogged I drowned out the world with my earphones. I barely noticed other people entering, only when I stopped an hour and a half later did I see 4 other men in the over large gym.

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