"Curly, hows it going?"

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A/N Since it's Saint Patricks Day (🍀), I decided to update! Also because the comments are really nice and they're making me really happy so here ya go...enjoy!
Happy Paddy's Day Lads!

"You alright?" Niall asked, giving me space and keeping his distance from me, letting me calm down. I internally thanked him. I nodded and started a brisk walk down the corridor. "What's your first?"

"Maths then chem," I said automatically, continuing to walk.

"Right I'm in maths too, but I think we're in different classes. And I'm in physics after that, so I'll meet up with ya after?" I hummed in acknowledgement. "Um Harry?" He asked softly, sadness and a bit of fear laced into his voice. It was that that made stop in my tracks and look at him expectantly. I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head to side. He fidgeted nervously. "Am I like, annoying you?" Huh. I didn't expect to ask that. I mean yes, the kid was annoying but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the company, I hated being alone. I suppose my composure was throwing him. I just didn't trust him. I felt like I could trust him but I couldn't, I still don't know if it's a prank or not. And let's be honest, who would want to voluntarily be friends with me?

I sighed heavily and my shoulders slackened. I looked at my feet and began to play with my hands. I could feel his eyes burning into me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Weak, always weak. "If you want me to go away or leave you alone, just tell me, mate. I won't be offended. I mean yeah it would suck because I think there's so much to you and I'd like to get to know you because you seem really cool like, but I get it. If you want...me to leave ya..." He trailed off sounding worried.

"Look, I'm just used to being alone a lot and this is so cliché but like not trust anyone and yeah, like I still think this is a joke or something because I for understand why you'd wanna be friends with me. But like whatever. I'm not good company or anything so I won't blame you for leaving.."

"You didn't answer my question," he persisted. "I don't care what you do, Niall."

I glanced up and saw hurt in his eyes which made me feel a lot guilty. "Yeah, um sorry for pushing." I nodded and we both started to walk again.

I arrived at maths just as the bell rang and I took a seat by the window. Hopefully no one will notice me.

A blonde woman wearing a fitted black pencil skirt that stopped just above her knee, entered the room, her heavy black shoes banging against the floor. She was young, maybe 30. She walked to the middle of the class and a few boys wolf whistled. Disgusting, they don't even have respect for her. She looked unimpressed and turned to write her name on the board. Miss Robin.

She turned to face the talkative class again. She cleared the throat and the talking stopped. "My name is Miss Robin, I will be your maths teacher for this year. You are in this class because you were chosen as the smartest of the bunch, but some of you need to learn respect and manners, isn't that right, Mr Sandy?" Sandy a guy in my music class, who was talking turned red in the face, stopped talking and nodded. I smirked. "Now obviously, some of you," her eyes lingered to the back of the room where the boys who wolf whistled were, "do not understand the way I teach. If you're in my room you will be respectful to me and everyone else, is that clear?" The nodded along and she continued. "The work I tell you to do, I expect done and handed in on time, this includes class work, homework and occasionally projects." She paused briefly, walked to the cupboard and extracted a pile of A4 green exercise books. "These are your books-" The teacher was interrupted as Louis, Zayn, Perrie (of course), Liam, Zach and Stan entered the room. "And why are you late to my class, may I ask Mr Tomlinson?" I wonder how she knew their names.

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