"I Can Fight My Own Battles"

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On Friday morning I woke up from a not-so-peaceful sleep. Yet again my dreams were filled with vicious demons of the past, come to haunt me. I sat up shivering, wishing beyond all that I could go running but it was simply out of the question. My chest was in extreme pain I couldn't possibly.

My alarm beeped mercilessly, drilling through my head. I groaned routinely as I rolled over, turning my phone off. Slowly I sat up. The pain began seeping in to my body again, working its way up through my spine, weaving itself into my muscles; a constant reminder of the life I was living.

My vision clouded as tears pricked my eyes from the growing hurt in my body. Weak. That's all you are. Weak. You can't even defend yourself. Even Louis knows it.

Louis! Yesterday was a plot twist. I had no idea what was going on with him, with us. He beat me up one day but held my hand the next? What was wrong with him?

I grumbled as I got out of bed and fetched some random clothing. I limped to the bathroom and almost whimpered at the ache in my ribs. The pills in the cupboard seemed so inviting but then again, so did the weed...

I shook off the thoughts before I could succumb to them. Instead I took two panadol before heading to the kitchen.

"Morning baby bro," Gemma said, pouring two cups of coffee.

I yawned and went to the fridge, drinking orange juice from the carton. "Hey."

"Stop doing that," she scolded with a frown on her face. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and made a disgusting slurping noise. "You're gross." She said sitting at the table and setting down the two mugs.

"Thanks," I replied cheerily as I buttered a pancake. "Mum not back yet?" I asked in a serious tone.

"No." She sighed. "And um, dad wants to...uh he wants to see me." I nodded. "So I'm gonna be gone for a week."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "A week?" I questioned. She nodded abashed. "Yes, I phoned him and told him you knew. I thought maybe he'd reach out to you, like he did with us. But he said since you knew that we didn't have to sneak around anymore. He told me he's taking me and mom away for a spa week. I tried to object but he said he'd take away my funding for college. I've gotta go, I'm sorry."

I swallowed a lump, pretending I wasn't phased by hearing this. "Whatever, it's not like I care. Free house for a week." I forced a smile. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. "Shit, I gotta go. I'll see ya when I come back?"

She swallowed noisily and shook her head. "Actually no. I'm leaving at 2."

A grimace spread through my features. "Ok. I'll call you. Bye."

"Love you!" She shouted as the door and I raced to my car as the rain battered the windshield.

A choked sob came from my throat as the first hot tear trickled down my cheek. Shaking hands tugged at my curls. I felt trapped. And alone.

The loud ringing of my phone dragged me from my self sorrow slumps and served as a reminder that I needed to be strong.

"Hello, Harry mate. My car broke down, you wouldn't be able to pick me up would ya?"

"Sure, Nialler. Where are you?" I requested as I harshly wiped away the last of my tears. When the call ended, I shook myself in an attempt to shake all fears from me. My father left me. I don't need him, the asshole.

The engine roared to life as I pressed on the pedal and the car flew forward. I was racing against the wind. I loved speed. It made me feel free.

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