"Shut up Carter!"

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I didn't have time to think maybe he didn't want this or would he push me off because he instantly kissed my back. He licked along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted easily. I let him take control of the dance of tongues and it was hot. He licked and explored my mouth. His hands were running through my hair in what felt like frantic motions. We banged into the wall and he gasped into my mouth which was insanely hot but we never broke apart.

Electricity spread through my veins and I felt an all familiar adrenaline rush. My hands roamed up and down his shirt and I could feel some pretty hand material under there.

With such impeccable timing, Niall knocked on the still-open door. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Not interrupting, am I?" He almost shouted and we broke apart quick as lightening, each boy up against a different wall.

Louis started to fix his hair and look at his shoes and I played with the strings on my joggers. When I did look up at Niall, he was grinning from ear to ear and I could slap him.

"Well uh thanks for the homework, Louis. It was nice of you to drop it off." I said, hoping to god he would play along.

He caught my drift. "Yeah, no problem. See yous around." He exited quickly without another word.

"What homework did he bring you? The demonstrations from sex ed?" I choked (not of Louis' dick).

"Jesus Niall, don't... Don't say things like that."

Niall hummed, gave me a quick embrace, which I proudly didn't flinch away from and then made himself at home by going to the kitchen.

Niall stayed for a few hours, we watched movie after movie and ate junk food, although we mainly talked through the whole movies. We talked about where I was, what I did, what I missed in school and how he was. We didn't talk about Louis.

But then he brought it up. "So what was he doing here?" I sighed.

"I don't know. He kept calling me when I was away. When I got home, I text you, so I assumed it was you at the door and the next thing I know I'm yelling at him and then we're kissing. Pretty mad."

"Do you like him?" Niall asked and I became so suspicious.

"Thing is, I don't think he likes me." A huff escaped my lips.

"Why?" Niall prompted as he stuffed popcorn in his face. I shifted uncomfortably and began picking my nails.

"He doesn't like me, ya know? He hates me but he'll kiss me? Makes no sense. And besides, even if I did like him, I'm pretty fucked up. I can't even touch someone without feeling physically hurt. I'm not in a healthy mindset and I couldn't be with someone who actually hurt me." Niall nodded wisely like he knew the answers to every question in the universe.

"I know you flinch, but you didn't when I hugged you. Don't think I didn't notice. I've known you like 2 days but mate I feel like I connect with you. I will never understand what you went through or what you're dealing with but I'll always listen, if you want to talk about it."

Gemma came home shortly after his little speech and I acquainted them. She asked if Niall was staying for dinner but he insisted he had to be home, so after he said goodbye, I collapsed into bed after a very emotionally draining day.

My alarm woke me up after an awful night of nightmares again and I was ready to through it against the wall. I hurriedly threw some clothes on and went down for coffee. I grabbed my green coat as I was leaving and shouted goodbye to Gemma.

Outside was cold, it was autumn. Brightly coloured leaved filled out garden and the roads I was going to drive on. It was nice.

Once I climbed into my car, I drove off to school in a rush because obviously I was late.

When I got to school, home room had already begun so I skipped going to my locker and just ran there instead. Before walking in, I gave myself a mental pep talk. Alright, stupid asshole walk in there and don't have a fucking panic attack, simple. Let's see if you can follow one fucking command. Hurry up you fuckhead.

Great, I am good to go, I though sarcastically. But regardless, I opened the door to home room and stepped in. I saw Niall sitting in the middle on his phone with a spare seat next to him and I wriggled my way through the sea of chairs to him.

I collapsed onto the chair beside him and he looked up and smiled goofily. "Thought you was gonna leave me for another day."

I smiled (kind of). "Nah, you need me too much."

"Hey faggot, you left for a few days, couldn't take the heat?" I turned around to see Carter shouting at me.

"Shut up, Carter!" From across the room and it was the last person I expected to hear it coming from; Zayn.

Don't Touch Me // Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now