The Beginning

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"How dare you slap her Valencia? When all she has been nothing but more than calm and forgiving. How could you? " Alexandro 's voice laced with anger while his blue eyes burning with nothing but fury. A tear trailed down my cheek with his harshness.

I remembered that day, his face filled with anger and fury I pressed my foot on the accelerator a little extra on the convertible Bentley of mine. The wind swayed my fiery red hair pushing them back as I gained speed. The pricey sunglasses of mine shielding me from the bright rays of the sun. It was thriving to drive with its roof down. Swiftly changing the gear I drifted the car on these steep mountain roads.

"You are choosing her over me," I asked while shouting at the top of my lungs.
"Yes, I am because she is much more to me than you ever can be. You know she is the one who is pushing me to be with you when you have been nothing but mean to her." Alexandro sneered at me while favouring her, my enemy. I could see a hideous grin masking the face of the woman standing beside my love, Alexandro.

He chose her over me. He never had loved me enough to see past that woman's vicious game. He discarded me as one of his torn shirts. He had never loved me the way I did. I would have happily killed myself to prove my love but I was glad to know that his love was nothing but a waste at the right time.

"Claire is good for you Alexandro. I know you love Valencia but you can see her true colours now. She has degraded your love to what? Nothing and she don't even care for Claire. Valencia is nothing but a stuck up bitch brother. If she would have loved you then she might have accepted your happiness anyway. She is cruel and selfish bitch brother. She is not worthy of your love and you." Said the sickly sweet voice of my sister in law who held too much hatred for me. I saw him nodding his head with a heavy sigh while I stood there feeling heartbroken. I watched them through the creak of the door as my sister in law filled his ears with words of raw hatred for me.

Making a sharp turn I changed the gear and increased the speed of the car by more. My sister in law and her devil of a friend Claire had been the harbinger of my pain. They were the one who had destroyed my love for anyone and anyone. They made my belief in love weaken and shatter. They were truly the devils in sheep skin.

"Please move away from here Valencia. We want you to go somewhere else. somewhere far away for the time being till we tell you to be back. This will be only for your own go. So please just leave without any commotion and drama. It will be the only thing that I would ever ask you to do for us." She said staring right at me while all the others stood beside her giving their consent in this decision. They all wanted me to leave and a single me couldn't do anything about it. I was all alone with no one with me. I still remember that heart-wrenching pain that I felt right then and there.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you all doing this to me? Don't you love me even a bit? What have I done to deserve this and that too from you people?" I had asked them while crying and sobbing because of that heart-wrenching pain. I still remember that reflection of mine with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"We do Valencia, We do love you but this for yours and everyone's else happiness. You don't deserve any of this and neither does anyone else, that is why we ask you to leave. If you care and love us then leave." I was stabbed in my heart, betrayed and was given up on. I was left on my own to look after my broken self.

"We are sorry." Their last words echoed in my mind.

I still remember their words like it was yesterday not three years back. I turned up the volume of the music to the top letting the voice of Lana Del Reys' burning desire evading the silence of the mountains and calming me. It was all about everyone's happiness but mine. I hadn't seen any of their faces for long and neither have I tried to contact them anymore. Not after that one time when I was shunned out like a trash. They never even tried to know about my whereabouts, it felt like I was dead for them. It wasn't the hurt and pain that existed anymore, it was this burning hatred inside of me that I wanted to have get rid of. I wanted to see them all in pain and most of all him because he betrayed me and my love by not only trusting me but ripping me away from his life. He didn't believe me and left me behind in pain.

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