"Taylor and Lauren is Spencer" Dinah said.

"That sucks" Normani said.

"I don't get it" I said rather confused by what Normani meant.

"Spencer Hastings is the brains of the liars" Taylor said.

"She's also a drug addict" Ally said.

"Oh, I forgot about that but I was actually saying you are both the smartest out of all of us" Dinah said.

"Thanks" I said smiling at Dinah.

"Behind me of course" Dinah said.

"I concur" Normani said and received a playful shove from Dinah.

"Natasha and Elise is Mona" Dinah said.

"I can see that" Taylor said.

"I wanted to be Mona" Ally said.

"Yeah...I'm not going to even try to convince you why you would never be Mona but you are Aria" Dinah said.

"Aria sucks" Taylor said.

Camila giggled and I started to laugh because she did.

"Wait, then that makes me Emily. I don't want to be Emily" Normani said.

"Everyone likes Emily" Ally said.

"Yeah because they want to bang her" Normani said.

"She's also the weakest liar and she gets shit story lines. Don't get me started on her numerous love interests" Taylor said.

"Paily was the best ship on the show and then Marlene's ass had to go in ruin it" Dinah said.

"No, Emison was way better" Taylor said.

"Emison fucking sucks, no one can tell me otherwise" Normani said.

"I actually liked Emily with Maya, but then I liked Paige with Emily when Maya's character was killed off" Ally said.

"Are we all just going to forget that Paige tried to drown Emily?" Taylor asked.

"Okay shut the hell up with that. That's the only defense you Emison shippers have yet you tend to ignore all the hell that Alison has put Emily through especially with manipulating her and shit. That brings me to Camila being Alison" Dinah said.

Camila had tuned out the conversation after she laughed at what Taylor said and was now playing with one of the buttons on my shirt.

"I can definitely see that" Normani said.

"Who is Alison?" I asked.

"Uh...well look at the time, the game is over now" Dinah said quickly.

I was about to say something when the front door opened and Elise pushed someone onto the floor in front of us. Natasha closed the door and stepped over the person lying on the floor.

"Is that Brad?" Normani asked.

"Yeah, he was the person I saw out by the beach" Ally said.

"He wouldn't tell us where the rest of them were" Natasha said.

"I don't think he was looking for us" Elise said and then walked into the kitchen.

"Okay then why is he lying unconscious in front of us then?" Dinah asked.

"We're going to use him as bait, so that the others come" Natasha said.

"Why would you want the others to come?" Taylor asked.

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