Chapter 4

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The door didn't burst open like I thought it would, but instead it slowly opened to reveal Chris and Taylor. I was expecting my mom, but I could only assume she was still having a go at Camila's parents. Chris entered my room first and then Taylor.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

I couldn't form words so instead I just handed him my phone. Chris took my phone and observed the text that Camila sent me. Chris looked at me and then at Taylor.

"Is it what I think it is?" Taylor asked, closing my bedroom door.

Chris nodded his head. "Listen, Lauren we already know about this. That's why the cops are here and Camila's parents are here" Chris said.

"But she was fine when I left. This is my entire fault" I said.

"No it's not. It's obvious that Camila is a psychotic bitch" Chris said.

"Chris," Taylor said.

"Sorry someone had to say it" Chris said.

"What he meant is that Camila is sick and she's going to get help" Taylor said.

"She's not sick" I said.

"Lauren, just go to sleep and everything will work itself out in the morning" Chris said, tucking me into bed.

"Okay" I said when Taylor gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Chris and Taylor left my room and all I could hear was the yelling downstairs from my mom. I did my best to drown it out as sleep overtook me.


I sat in Biology class before it started doodling mindlessly in my spiral notebook. Before I left to go to school, I asked my mom constantly how Camila was and if I could see her. She refused each time and I got pissed at her. Just thinking about it now makes me mad with her and I wish I did run away with Camila.

"Can I sit here?" Maia asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Why?" I asked. "Wait... no sorry"

"It's okay Lauren. I know it's a bit odd to ask to sit with you since no one has sat next to you for majority of the first semester" Maia said.

"Yes" I said.

"What?" Maia asked scrunching up her eyebrows in confusion.

"You can sit down" I said.

"Oh," Maia said, sitting down in the chair next to me.

Jacob entered the class and like always he knocked my stuff to the floor. I sighed and started to pick it up.

"I heard what you did to Camila you freak" Jacob said.

I reached out to grab my notebook, but he stepped on it.

"Leave her alone" Maia said.

"Shut up bitch this doesn't concern you" Jacob said.

"Don't talk to her like that" I said starting to get angry.

"Oh, now you finally have a voice. Too bad your friend Normani isn't here to help you" Jacob said.

"Think again asshole" Normani said from behind me.

"You can't protect her forever" Jacob said finally taking his foot off of my notebook.

I grabbed my notebook and stood up as Normani walked towards Jacob.

"If I catch you messing with Lauren again, my fist will find its way to you face" Normani said.

"Ms. Kordei is there a reason why you're inside my classroom?" Mr. Parker asked walking into the classroom.

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