Chapter 21

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*Camila's Flashback (Camila's POV)*

I wasn't sure how long I lay in bed silently crying to myself. I didn't dare to move considering I was in so much pain. I know Lauren was only trying to help, but I couldn't bear letting her see me like this. I heard laughter downstairs by my mom as she talked on the phone with one of her friends, as if nothing had happened. It wasn't long before I heard her leave with Sofi, I heard my bedroom door open and I didn't try to see who it was.

"Karla, are you awake?" my dad asked.

I didn't answer him. This has become a thing when it came to my dad. He stands by as my mother literally beats the shit out of me and then comes in the clean me up. I guess you can say this is our only bonding time. It's sickening, I know. My dad was never one of many words, but was more of a man of action. He was still my dad regardless. Sometimes, I thought he was terrified of my mother also.

My dad sat down on my bed with the first aid kit in his hand.

"Let me take a look mija" my dad said.

I sat up on my bed and I was expecting him to gasp considering this is by far the worse she's ever beaten me. Instead, he just sucked in his breath and opened the kit and started to get to work.

"Why do you let her do this to me?" I asked after what felt like an hour of uncomfortable silence.

"I don't let her do anything and you know that" my dad said as he dabbed a cut on my face with a cotton ball.

"You could always stand up to her" I said.

"Sure, because that worked out so well for you" my dad said putting a bandage on my face.

"She's the reason why I resent Lauren and she doesn't even know it" I said.

My dad sighed. "That's still no reason to treat Lauren the way you treat her" my dad said and I grabbed his wrist to get him to stop working on my face and give me his full attention.

"Who exactly do you think that I learn it from? I'm so angry at Lauren for what my mom and your wife does to me that I take it out on Lauren" I said.

"That's not an excuse Karla," my dad said.

"It's not a fucking excuse dad. I'm hurting and the only way to lash out is at Lauren or at other people at that stupid school. They all literally think I'm a bitch because of it" I said.

"You are not that word mija" my dad said and I let go of his wrist.

"It doesn't matter what they all think of me because nothing hurts worse than thinking you aren't good enough for your own mother and your dad just sits back and watch like a pathetic little bitch" I said.

I was expecting my dad to come back at me with something much worse than I said, but instead he stayed silent. A tear rolled down his face and I saw sorrow in his eyes.

"All done" my dad said as he tried to wipe the tears from his face.

I'm not exactly sure why I started to tear up myself. Maybe it was because I could see that it was hurting my dad to watch from the sidelines and not being able to do anything.

"It's okay dad" I said pulling him into a hug as he broke out into complete sobbing on my shoulder.

I wasn't sure what else to do, but to rub his back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry" my dad whispered.

"I know" I said.

*End of Camila's Flashback (Camila's POV)*

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