ch.36 Truce

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We went inside and plopped down on the couch.

I wasn’t that tired, but I was still very sore. And Harry, Harry had rings darker than Jupiter under his eyes.

“You need to rest” I told him softly. 

He sat upright quickly and shook his head.

“I’m fine” he brushed off.

“No, you’re not” I shook my head stubbornly.

Harry sighed in frustration.

“Angie, I’m fine” he raised his voice.

“Why won’t you take care of yourself?” I asked him slightly angrily now. He was always willing to make sure I was perfectly at ease while he wasted away in misery.

“I am!” he almost shouted.

I stared at him in confusion and just plain anger.

“Taking care of you takes care of me, too” he told me calmly.

He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes.

I nodded and we made a truce.

We went over to Harry’s bed and slipped under the covers. I shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable despite the bandages. Harry carefully wrapped his arm around my waist, fitting my back to his chest, while making sure not to press to hard at my bandages.

I tried to forget about the still-sore spot on my abdomen and my lost baby and Liam, but the moment I closed my eyes, they all flashed back into my mind.

Harry leaned close and kissed my neck. His hair tickled my neck and I shifted a bit.

I listened to the sound of Harry’s chest rising and falling steadily as he rested. Slowly, but surely, sleep wrapped her protective arms around us both.


I felt much better in the morning and got up slowly to wash up. I looked over and saw Harry was still fast asleep. In the couple days that I had been at the hospital, I don’t think he even closed his once.

So I let him sleep through the day and called his manager to let her know he was taking the day off.

I started to make him breakfast, but he slept until 1 in the afternoon, so I made brunch instead.

I sat on the couch flipping through channels when I heard a loud thud.

Quickly, I ran to the sound of the noise and saw that it was only Harry.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” he asked quietly, but there was a hint of annoyance.

He ruffled his hair to the side and swiftly slipped on a pair of pants.

“You needed to sleep, Harry” I told him.

He glanced at the clock and his eyes widened.
“I’m late for work” he said and he cursed under his breath.

I shook my head.

“I called in and said you were taking the day off” I explained.

Harry stopped buttoning up his shirt and looked at me.

“And she gave me the day off? Just like that?” he asked with surprise.

I nodded.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, but it was a stupid question. I could hear his stomach grumbling from three feet away.

Harry shook his head and grinned.

Then he went over to the kitchen table. He pulled my seat out for me before sitting down himself.

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