ch.35 Our Castle

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Someone knocked on the door.

Harry and I turned to see Danny and the boys.

Danny stared at me like I was the ghost of Christmas past.

Niall was chewing on his tongue nervously.

Zayn’s hands shook- either out from withdrawal of one of his cocktail drugs, or from seeing me with my stomach bandaged.

And Tony. Tony’s mouth hung open and his hands were stuffed deep in his pockets.

“Hi guys” I smiled weakly.

They all nearly ran to my bed and reached for my hand, but I only had two and one was for Harry, the other for Danny.

But Harry stood back slightly, letting the rest of the boys have a chance to ask if I was ok.

“Angela, how are you feeling?” Danny asked me and he searched my eyes quickly.

“I’m ok now” I told him.

Danny shook his head and looked down.

He put his hand over the adhesive dressing on my stomach, as if he could make it disappear that way.

“You didn’t tell me about it” he spoke softly.

I looked into his eyes and knew that the doctor had told him about the baby.

“I didn’t know until I lost it” I admitted.

He didn’t yell or shout like I expected him to. He just nodded slowly.

Then he stood up and patted Harry’s shoulder tensely. And he went over to sit in one of the waiting chairs.

“How ya doing, Shortie?” Niall asked with a hesitant laugh.

 “Alright” I told him with a smile.

“You scared us there, Angie” he said and he looked over at the rest of the boys, who watched me with wide, disbelieving eyes.

“I’m sorry” I apologized.

Niall shook his head and grinned. Then he got up and let Zayn come through.

“They won’t let me smoke here, Angie, what is this hell hole?” Zayn teased.

“Well maybe you should stay here more often” I told him playfully.

“Maybe” he smiled. Then he leaned closer and rubbed my shoulder softly.

Tony came toward me now and he shook his head as he saw my bandages.

“The only time I ever wanted to see you at a hospital was for when you had a baby” Tony laughed anxiously.

“Me too” I told him honestly and I looked down at my stomach, which housed nothing but newly healing organs.

He patted my hair gently, but a bit sloppily. Then he laughed at his awkwardness and let a shorter figure with long platinum blonde hair come through. 

"Angie!?" Becky asked. Her voice was quivering.

"Becky" I gasped and sat up quickly.

Becky came over and wrapped her arms around me quickly and then more carefully when she remembered the wound.

"H-how, Angie. I-I" she stuttered.

I shook my head. 

"It's ok, Becky. I'm ok" I reassured her.

Tears slipped down her cheeks, making her mascara run.

"Angie, I don't think I've ever hated and loved you more than right now" she admitted.

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