The ceremony went by painfully slow. Especially the speeches. There were several times I half wished I had chosen not to walk like the other handful of students that had chosen to opt out. When it was finally time for me to walk across the sage and have my 10 seconds of fame, I straightened myself out and plastered a smile to my face. I shook hands with the Dean and all the other important people, took my diploma case, and turned my head to smile at my dad. This time Landon was sitting next to him and enthusiastically cheering for me. My eyes widened and I nearly tripped over my feet as I realized that the other seat next to Landon was no longer vacant. Instead the last person I ever expected to show up to my graduation was standing there with his usual stoic expression, boldly clapping his hands. When my eyes met his, he smirked at me with that irresistible and boyish quirk of his lips.

I hadn't realized I stopped dead in my tracks until one of the ushers was vigorously motioning to me to move. I quickly walked off the stage and made my way back to my seat. Once I was in my seat I tried to turn to look at Damon again but stopped when I started getting some strange looks. I blushed and looked into my lap. I just wanted to get out of here. I was tempted to just get up from my seat and run to Damon. I didn't care about anything else at this point. I couldn't keep my mind on anything else. I was so scared that by the time the ceremony was over he would disappear and go back to whatever hole he had kept himself hidden away in.

I was only temporarily snapped out of my thoughts when Jayden's name was called and a second time later when we stood up to throw our caps in the air. As we waited for each row to orderly exit the floor I grew more and more impatient. I sighed loudly in irritation as everyone moved at a snail's pace. I balled my hands into fists and tried my hardest to control the urge to run ahead of everyone.

We were led through private stairs and let out to the area where all the graduates would meet up with their loved ones. I scanned through the throngs of people and maneuvered my way to where Damon and the others most likely exited from.

I continued to quickly weave my way in and out of people. As I came close to the door I caught a glimpse of his face. I ran towards him as best I could through all the people. Once I saw him clearly walking out with Landon, my father, and Fiorella I stopped dead in my tracks to breath out a huge sigh of relief. I could feel my eyes tearing up from happiness.

I wiped away any dampness before taking large, confident strides over to them. My dad was the first to embrace me and place a sweet kiss to my forehead.

"Congratulations Alaure! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks Dad," I beamed. Landon pulled me into him before I could even pull away.

"Good job 'laure!" he congratulated. I smiled and thanked him.

"You look so beautiful Alaure." Fiorella said as she hugged me, "Congratulations! I hope I get the chance to wear one of these funky square caps one day."

I laughed and placed my cap on her head. "You might change your mind after wearing it for a couple minutes," I joked.

I swept my hair away from my face and turned to look at Damon who I was saving for last knowing I would probably become very emotional.

"Let's go find Jayden too. We'll let you know where she is when we find her so you two can catch up," Landon said.

I silently thanked him under my breath. I looked up at Damon from under my eyelashes. He made the first move by stepping towards me and wrapping his arms around me. At first I wasn't sure how to feel. I felt like hitting him for leaving me for so long, I wanted to cry because I missed him so much, and I wanted to hug him for being here for me, but I was also scared. I was scared that he wasn't here for good and that he would run away from me again.

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