Really Fun Day ^.^

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All we did was the instruments and that alone took a couple hours.

"I think we should wrap this session up." Usher says.

"Why?" I whine.

"Because it's eight." He says.

"Are you serious right now?" He nods. I take my phone out to see he's not lying.

"Oh. Well ok. I'll probably be here tomorrow." I tell Usher.

"Same, well I kinda have to." Justin says and I laugh.

We're about to leave when I realize something.

"Wait, don't I have to pay some kind of fee? You know, give to get?" I ask Usher.

"It's been taken care of." He waves it off.


"It's been taken care of." He looks to Justin and then back to me.

I turn to Justin and catch him blush. He just shrugs as if it was nothing and I smile.

So Justin and I walk out a get into his car. As soon as he turns the engine on "I Made It" by Kevin Rudolf. I turn to him. 

"That's crazy." We both laugh.

I take my phone out and upload the picture me and my record deal to Instagram.

"What's that in my hand? Oh, I believe that's my record deal to Island Def Jam!!!!!!" 

So Justin and I talk about randomness for the whole ride.

"Way-ell, this is my stop." I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"I'll see you later then." Justin says.

I nod and open my door. I was about to walk out when I thought I really should say something. I turn back to Justin.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"You know you're a really good friend." I continue/

"Are you talking about the... Def Jam?" I nod slowly.

"It was nothing." He says.

"For you. It means a lot to me though." I lean over and give Justin a peck on the cheek.

"Night Justin." I tell him as I get out of the car.

"Night Stella." I wave and close the door. I walk up to my house and unlock the door. That's when I realize there's no light on.

"Um... hello?" I ask while taking off my black vans.

"In here." I hear my mom say from the family room.

I walk over to see her, Brandon, and Peyton watching looking at a laptop with a couple candles surrounding them.

"Where's the lights?" I ask mom.

"Cpl cut us off." She explains. I nod.

"What are we watching?"

I ask her while reaching into Brandon's spicy sweet doritos and taking a couple out.

"Well we're about to put on Source C-" Peyton says.

"Source Code?!" I ask.

Mom nods. 

"Why is it cold if we don't have electricity?" I ask.

"That's what I said. Mom turned on every fan."

"Imma grab my blanket."

"Take a candle." My mom points behind her.

"Kay." I take one of the raspberry scented candles up to my room. There was a little rectangular thing on the middle of the floor. I kneel down and put the light to it.. Of course it was the photobooth picture. I pick it up and walk to the windowsill. I sit down on it side ways and smile. This day is somewhere in my top ten favorite days. I just wish things were the same and Olivia just didn't exist. Life would be so much simplier. I sigh and hop off the windowsill. I pixk up my teal plush blanket and walk back downstairs to everyone.

Luckily Source Code hasn't been on too long. 

I lay down between Peyton and Brandon...

"I wanna marry Jake." I sigh and Brandon turns to me.

"What?" He turns to me.

"Jake Gyllenhaal, you know, one of the most beautiful men alive?" I ask him.


"Yeah." I give him a weird look as I eat Spicy Sweet Doritos from the bag in his hand.

I take my phone out and go on Twitter I already see a ton of tweets about my record deal.

"Thanks for the support guys ^.^" I tweet and then get back to the movie.

We all watch the movie nd then afterwards we talk about Island Def Jam...

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