Final Goodbyes :/

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So now it's Thursday and we're still packing. We're getting everything we'll keep in storage in our and Justin's car (he came back like an hour ago). I have on my maroone sweats that roll up at the ankles, a white off the shoulder crop top, nike slides with black ankle socks, my microphone necklace, and a white bandana tied on top of my head with my hair in a bun. I put my phone in my pants between my waistband and my right hip and then I take my books that were stacked on the ground where my bed was yesterday and my volleyball uniforms. I head downstairs and hop in Justin's car. Mom, Brandon, and Peyton were driving to LA High to drop off their books so Justin thought it would be easier to drop me off at the Dame.

"You can keep the car running." I tell him ass I get out.

"Alright." He says.

It's a little after ten so I would be in Peer Counseling. I decide to go their last so Teo can get the last bye. I go to my English class first. I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. I didn't even step into the classroom before someone called my name. I look up to see Nikki. I pout and she does too.

"You really are moving aren't you?" I nod. I hand my book to my teacher and we say bye. Then I walk over to Nikki.

"We'll keep in touch though, I swear." I tell her.

"You better." We laugh, hug, and then I leave.

I decide to go Tech just because I had to turn in the flash drives he gave us. That's where I find Moi though. So after I hand him my flash drive I say bye to Moi. I head to the unimportant classes afterwards. I was about to go into my Peer Counseling class when I saw Alejandro across the hall. I keep waving through the window until he saw me. Then I wave for him to come outside. He probably asked his teacher to go to the bathroom and then he came outside.

"I didn't see you earlier." He tells me.

"I know. I only came to bring my books and my uniform back." I show him them and he nods.

"So then this is like the last tiime I'm gonna see you?"

"At school." I remind him and he smiles.

"Alright. I guess I should say bye then." He says.

"That would be nice." He smiles.

"Bye Stella." He hugs me.

"Bye Alejandro." I tell him.

Once he releases me I walk across the hall. Mrs.Goodey never locks the door so I walk in to see everyone doing whatever they feel. I put on this puppy dog face and wait for Mateo to notice, it takes him a couple seconds but he does. He returns the puppy dog face.

"It's my last day."

"I know." He says. I turn to Mrs. Goodey who's just smiling at me shaking her head. I walk over to her and hand her the book. I kiss my libero uniform and then hold my arm out to her and turn away.

"Take it." 

"No need to get dramatic Stella." She laughs while taking the jerseys. I smile.

"Oh and you guys don't need to worry about my team whopping yours since I woon't be on the team.

"You should think about joining another team after you leave Stella." Mrs. Goodey tells me.

"Mmm. I don't think I will." I tell heer.

"You know your scholarship will probably disappear if you don't." 

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be going to UCLA anytime soon." She gives me a confused look.

"You're just gonna let this opportunity go away?" She asks.

"It's either UCLA or a record deal with Island Def Jam. I chose the second." She nods impressed.

"So what are you gonna do for the rest of high school?" She asks.

"I'm finishing this semester and then I'm doing virtual school for the rest of my Junior and Senior year."

"Well good luck with that." She tells me.

"Thanks." I tell her. I turn back to Mateo pouting again.

"Stop." Mateo says warningly.

"But I'm sad. That's what I do when I'm sad." He laughs and so do I.

"Well bye." We hug.

"You should stay a little bit longer, Jaden's here." My heart fluttered at the sound of his name.

"He just went to the bathroom." Then my phone started vibrating. Justin was calling.

"I can't. Justin's waiting. He's driving me to the storage unit. I'm meeting my fam there." He nods and I sigh.

"Well bye." I tell him.

I head downstairs to the parking lot. On the way there I see Jaden. I hide behind the wall and stick my head out. Then I see he's talking to Olivia. I try to see if I can figure out what they're talking about but then she looks in my direcrtion and I hide back behind the wall and just stand there with my head resting on it. Please tell me she didn't see me....Please tell me she didn't see me... Please tell me she didn't see me... I carefully peek to see they're still talking. I let out a sigh of relief. I could've sworn she saw me, but I guess I was wrong. I see they're both smiling about who know's what. Then Olivia says soomething that puts this unsure expression on his face. She smiles and says something else and then I see Jaden nod... Then they kiss. It catches me off gaurd every single time. It was nothing more than a peck but the fact of the matter is that they kissed. I just hate myself for thinking he actually did care, and I don't even know why I still wanted him after Friday. I sigh and walk back to the car.

"Were the byes really that bad?" Justin asks as we're driving.

"No. I saw Jaden."

"Oh. What he say?"

"I didn't talk to him, I just saw him." I tell Justin. He gives me this look that pretty much asks, "Are you retarded?"

"He was with her."

"And? I still talk to some of exes. Some of them I-"

"They kissed." It was quiet for a moment.

"What kind of kiss? Was it a kiss or a kiss?" Justin asks.

"Does it matter? They kissed." Then it was quiet again.

"So what are you saing?"

"I'm done with him." He gives me a look.

"I'm serious this time!" I smile.

"I'm done.'' I tell Justin.

"Alright." He says in a tone that sayes he doesn't believe it.

I just roll my eyes and sit back in the seat...

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