Florida or No Florida,That Is The Question

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... So LAHS got here like fifteen minutes ago and now we're all sitting on our sides bobbing to the band. Then they play jump on  it and Nikki and I have to dance.

"Get it!" I hear someone from the audience yell.

I turn around to see Justin smiling. I smile back, and then I see Teo and Moi next to him. I wave. Then I notice Jessica Jarrell sitting next to Justin. She waves to me and I wave back....

We all get into our positions. I'm just chilling in the right back anxiously waiting for the whistle to blow. Coach Goodey, and the other coach did a coin toss and LA called it so they decided to go first. First serve hits the net.

"Ayeeee!" We all form into a circle and clap.

This is gonna be an easy game. So Emily serves the ball on our side and no one even blocked it. Second point, you serious? But after those plays the game got better. The next person that served was actually good, like I got red from that save. My team hits it back to the other team and we keep going back and forth until we score another point. We serve and pass the ball back and forth a while. Then the ball goes to Amanda, and she hits it wrong so it flies backwards.

"Got it!" I yell before taking off running to chase the ball.

I hit it over my head back to the team, and Tania hits it back over the net. We get applause for that play, and then even more when they miss our hit. So now I move to center back. This girl serves another strong serve that I knew would leave a mark. So we hit it back and forth for quite some time when the other team hit the ball over and Emily thought it was out so she didn't go ffor us, and the other team got a point.

"Yeahhhh!" Their team claps. They got that annoying cheer.

...... We win the first set and the band starts playing while we take our stuff and switch sides. I wipe the sweat off my face while Coach talks to us. She tells me that I'm sitting out until Amanda moves to right back probably so Nikki and I could do defense together. I nod and watch the game as it goes on. I watch the game and pay attention to where Amanda. I go in for Amanda when the other team scores to serve. I can't help but smile when the announcers announce my name for my serve. I never get tired of that.

"Stella!" I hear Justin cheer from the stands.

I just shake my head smiling. I dribble the ball twice and then the ref blows the whistle. I nod. I take a breath, throw the ball up, jump and power hit that shit. Their digger didn't move up enough so the ball landed right infront of her.

"Ayeeeee!" We form a circle and clap.

I serve again and this time their digger hits it. We pass the ball back and forth. My team hits the ball over but on the other team someone hits it, the other person sets it, and the last person spikes it. It breaks the blocker's their block.

"Yeahhhhh!" I really hate that cheer. Like legit it gets on my nerves.

After that the team dominates and we are tied 1-1. We all enter this game fired up, no mercy. Coach lets me start off at right forward. Both of our teams got points but then I saw the perfect opening. Apparently Madison did to because she sets the ball and yells my name. I spike the ball a couple into the empty space left right in front of me.

"Ayeeee!" We do our cheer.

A couple postions later it was 15 to 16 with us at sixteen. We need this point to win. I can feel the adreniline pumping through my veins. I was back at center back rocking back and forth with Nikki at right forward. Again Amanda hits the ball wrong. This girl. I run after it again.

"Nikki!" I yell while I hit it over my head.

I turn around to see Nikki jump at perfect timing to hit a nice spike theat breaks the blockers' block and we get the final point.

"Ayeeeee!" We all get into a circle holding on to each other chanting.

Since I didn't know the chant I jump in the middle and jusst start dougging. We laugh and then get into this group hug. After that we all go in a line and slap hands with the players and coach down the net. When we finish we all start running around in a circle.

"What, what?! Kni-eets!" Teo and Moi run into our circle and start a chant. Then we end it with,

"Knights run this!" And we laugh again. I get congratulatory hugs from the guys.

Then I run up to the stands to my family, I see Jessica and Justin and already there.

"Stella!" Jessica says.

"Jess!" We hug.

Then I hug Justin and the rest of my family except for my brother who again just gives me a look.

"Congrats." Jess says.

"Thanks. I'll be back." I tell everyone.

I run into the locker room along with the rest of the team to change into a blue tee shirt and my black and white adidas sweats that are like really comfortable skinnys. We get a speech from Coach on how proud of us she was. After ten minutes she tells us we can go home. So I head back out to my family.

"Mom, can I sleep over Jessica's? I really need a girls night after today." She nods.

"I was wondering why J-"

"Yes mom that's why." I say not even wanting her to ssay his name.

"Ok." She says.

"Woop woop." Jessica says and I laugh.

"I'll stop by the house for clothes." My mom nods.

"I left your passport on the counter."


Jessica and I walk to her car.

"So, uh, nice to meet you." She says and I laugh.

"You too." I say.

"So you're coming with us to Florida?" 

"Yeah. I just moved here from Floida like three weeks ago." I tell her.

"Oh." She says.

"Yep." I direct her to my house. I unlock the door and we run up to my room.

"Cute." She says.


I was about to take some stuff when I remembered how much stuff I have at Jaden's house. I sigh when I realize I'd have to get it eventually.

"I have stuff at this guys house. I have to get it back so I might as well get it now."

Then everyone comes home.

"How far?" She asks.

"Like a minute."

"Let's go."

I take my glasses and then go downstairs. I grab my passport, tell everyone bye, give hugs and then me and Jessica drive to the Smith's.

I sigh as I ring the doorbell. Thankfully Willow opened it.

"Hey!" She says smiling.

"Hey," I grin.

"I gotta get my stuff, is Jaden here?" I ask her.

"Yeah." He's in his room." Fuck.

"Thanks." Jessica follows me upstairs.

I peer inside to find Jaden's bathroom door closed. I look up.

"Thank you." I mouth. I carefully get my shopping bags and hand them to Jessica.

"Can you put these in the car?" I ask quietly and she nods.

I pull my adidas bag up on my shoulder, stuff my passport in it and walk to Willow's room. I get my make up and contacts too and then walk outside to meet Jessica.

"So wh-"

"We used to talk. I was staying over his house the weekend." I tell Jessica and she oh's.

Then she drives me to Justin's house. 

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