This Mall Is Grande XD

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"You scared me." Ariana Grande says holding her hand over her chest.

"I do that." I laugh. She smiles.

'Are you sure about pink because I'm so indecisive it's not even funny." She laughs and so do I.

"Positive." I say. She puts Bombshell down.

"So.. What can I do for ya?"

'You just looked kinda lonely." I shrug and smile.

"You're so sweet, are you alone or what?" She asks me.

'I'm with this guy, but I'm sure he won't mind."

'Um, that's ok. I don't wanna be a third wheel." She says.

"C'mon! You know you wanna chill with us."

"Ok." She grins.

"So this guy, is he your boyfriend or what?"

"Mmm it's complicated." I say.

"Story of my life." We both laugh and then we make it to Jaden.

"Jaden, this is-"

"Ari?" he asks.

"Jaden." She smiles and they hug.

"You guys know each other?" I ask her.

"Red carpet, premieres."


"You?" She asks.

"School." I respond. Then it was quiet.

'Well that got real awkward real fast." Ariana laughs.

"No. I think it's pretty cool." I smile.

Ariana Grande knows Jaden and vice versa. The girl I've pictured my as  bestfriend as is already friends with Jaden. This is a good sign. 

"So are you buying it?" I point to the bottle in her hands.

"Definitely." So Jaden and I wait for her to buy it.

"I can't believe you know Arian Grande."

I say standing there with my arms crossed, adn my eyes following her.

"Why do you say it like that? She's just a person." Jaden smiles.

"She is not 'just a person' that girl is perf." I laugh and Jaden joins in too. 

Then Ariana comes back.

"So where were you guys heading?" Ariana asks.

"I dunno." I say.

"I'm kinda hungry." Ariana says.

"Johnny Rockets is around the corner." Jaden says.

"I won't be a third wheel?" Ariana asks. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Well you know.... I'm playing. You should come. We gotta catch up." Jaden says.

"Ok." Ariana says.

So we get seated and a little bit later the waitor comes. We all order drinks but Jaden tells the waitor to come back later for us to order food.

"What do you want?" Jaden asks me.

"Um... I don't know yet. You?" I ask Ariana.

"Philly chesse steak." She says off the top of her head. I raise my smile amused.

"I like Johnny Rockets." She says adorably and I laugh. A couple minutes I pick what I want.

"I think I'll just get chicken tenders with honey mustard sauce. I tell Jaden. 

He flags down the waitor and orders our food along with his. 

"So you guys have no story." Ariana says instead of asking.

"No." I say just realizing that.

"Lame." She says and then we all laugh.

So Jaden and Ariana start talking about their lifes, and then we get to the topic of Victorious.

"So what' it like working with Avan?" I ask.

"I love it. He's amaing." She says.

"I can imagine." Then we laugh.

"Are they gonna let you an Liz sing more on Victorious or what?" I ask.

"Probably not. But it's whatever." She shrugs.

"I think that's ridiculous. You let stars from Broadway on your show, but then they barely ever sing." I say.

"You know I did Broadway?" She asks.

"Yeah me and my little sis saw 13 in o' eight."

I can see her trying to remember if she's seen me before.

"I didn't meet you though. My sis met you and Liz, while I met Max." I expalin.

"Oh... Were you there that time he-"

"Covered four roles. Yeah. It was pretty impressive." I smile.

"I know! He's so talented."

"And modest." I add. 

So we get our food a little later. We chat up for like half an hour and then go back to shopping. We foun nothing good in entrance 4 or 5 so we decide to go into JCpenny's where I find some really cute stuff like this flowy black tanktop that had big red lips with sequins on it in the middle. Last we go into Sears. I found this brown silk poncho shirt, a turquoise high low blouse, black legging stretch jeans, and this zebra print mini skirt. After that we walk back to entrance one...

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