Meeting The Fam

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... I knock on the door and Peyton answers it. I'm not even lying when I say I forgot how pretty she was. With her Jennifer Freeman curly hair, Kat Graham skin tone, and pale green eyes.


"Peyton!" We hug.

"How's grams?" I ask her.

"She's fine. She has to stay at the hospital for a couple days, but she's fine... And you?"

"I'm good."

"For sure?"

"Yeah. I gots stories to tell you." I smile.

"After dinner." She says.

"Oh, and I kinda brought someone." I motion for Justin to come in.

"Pey, this is Justin. Justin this is my sister Peyton." She just stares at him in awe.

He does his dazling, famous Justin Bieber smile which dazes my sister even more. I give him a look before dragging him along. I walk to the kitchen where I find my mom. I leave Justin at the doorway.

"Momma!" I exclaim in this heavy Southern accent.

"Ma baby!" She says in the same accent. I grin and hug her.

"Are you alright?" She asks me.

"Mom, I'm fine." I say slightly embarressed.

"Good." I smile.

"I brought a friend over for dinner." And as if on que Justin walked in.

My mom's eyes flash between us.

"Is that..." I nod.

"Mom, this is Justin. Justin this is my mom." My mom pulls him into a hug and I smile.

She went back to getting dinner ready.

"So are you two dating?" Mom asks with her back turned to us.

"No, I have a girlfriend. We're just friends." Justin says.

"Yeah, and I'm dating Jaden." My mom turns around.


"Yeah." I fake a smile.

"Well I'm gonna find daddy." I tell my mom.

"Coming?" I ask Justin.

"Nah, I'm gonna chill with your mom." My mom turns around grinning.

"I'm chilling with Justin Bieber." I can't help but laugh and then I walk to the living room.

That's where I find my dad sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Daddy!" He sees me just before I jump on to him.

"How's my sweatheart?" He asks.


"You sure."

"Mmmhmm." He kisses my forehead.

"So what have you been doing for the past couple days?"

My dad asks in his heavy Brazilian accent. I think that's why I love talking to him so much.

"You know just hanging out with my friends. Making the best of it. What about you?" 

"Ouvir a sua cadela mãe todo final de semana."  He mumbles (Listening to your mom bitch all weekend).

I burst out laughing and he smiles at that. I scoot over next to him.

"I brought a friend over." I tell him.

"Oh?" He asks intrigued.

"Yeah, Justin. Justin Bieber."

"Oh." He says this time more with worry.

"He's just a friend dad. You won't have to worry about that until you meet Jaden."

"Fair enough."

We watch tv for who knows how long when I hear footsteps coming towards us.

"You found me." I say turning around smiling to Justin.


"Dad, this is Justin. Justin this is my daddy." They shake hands.

"Nice to meet you sir." Justin says.

"Likewise." Dad says.

"Dinner's ready!" Mom yells from the dinning room.

"That's my cue." I smile as dad gets up and walks to the dinning room.

"So what did you and my mom talk about?" I ask Justin curiously.

"You." He says.

"Really? Like what?"


"Look who it is, it's the fag himself." My dad's double, my older brother Brandon says.

The only differences between them are that my dad's actually likable and my brother's just a tool.

"Can you not?" I glare. He just shrugs and walks past us to the dinning room.

"I apologize for him." I tell Justin.

"Everyone's not a fan." He shrugs and I smile. Then we make it to the dinning room...

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