It All Goes DownHill

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...I walk in to see everyone arguing in the living room. Peyton looks like she's been crying, Brandon's yelling, mom is justsitting on the couch with her hand massaging her temple, and dad's arguing with Brandon while holding Peyton.

"What's going on?" I ask.

All eyes turn to me and then they look to eachother as if trying to tell the other to tell me.

"Do you wanna hear the bad news or the worse news?" Peyton asks.

"Bad." I say.

"We're moving." I glance between my mom and dad who are looking at me worried.

"No..... No. We're not moving. I just started school here and I really like it, and I like just made new friends and- no!"

"The house is already sold." Brandon says.

"What are you talking about? There wasn't even a sign outside!" I hold my arm out to the door.

"Apparently there was. They put it up after we left, and took it down before we got home."

I turn to my parents in disbelief and they were still looking at me worried.

"Can you guys stop looking at me like that? It's not like I'm gonna cut myself!" Both of their eyes dart away.

"Why are we moving?" I ask trying to calm down a little.

"Money was tight." My dad says.

"What do you mean money was tight? Why didn't you tell us?! We're all old enough to get jobs! We could've helped!" I yell.

"You guys don't need to worry about things like this."

"Why don't you guys understand? We're not kids anymore! Brandon's turning eighteen this year, I'm going to be a senior in high school next year, and Peyton's gonna be a junior for God's sake!"

They don't say anything.

"Where are we moving?"

"Calabasas. We're moving in with Chantal." My mom says.

I take my phone out of my pocket and look up 'how far is la from calabasas' I get pretty much immediate results. 

"A freaking hour and a half? Are you serious right now?" I look back to my parents.

"Dead ass." Brandon says.

"I'm staying." I tell them.

"No you're not." My mom tells me.

"Well I'm not moving again." I tell my mom.

"It gets worse." Peyton says.


"Dad's moving back to Florida." My heart stops.

"What is she talking about?" I ask my dad. He sighs.

"My job in Florida pays more than the job here. I'm moving back for a while until we're ok."

"No. You don't even know if they'll take you back, what if they already replaced you?"

"I already called. They didn't. They're glad to have me back."

So it's unavoidable then. We're moving, and my dad's leaving too.

"When's your flight?" I ask him.


"And you decided to tell us now?" The tears start to blur my eyes.

"I didn't know they would take me back until I got a call from them after work." I turn back to my mom.

"So that's it? You're just gonna let him go?" The tears start falling.

"What else can I do Stella?"

She asks me and I can tell once I see her face that this is as hard for her as it is for me. Then an idea pops in my head and I don't know why it took me so long to realize.

"I'll sign with Island Def Jam." I wipe my tears away trying to wipe the make up off my face also.

"Stella, you don't have to do t-" My dad starts but I cut him off.

"No. I want to. I already told Jake that I might do it and that I wasn't completely sure. But now it's not like I really have a choice." I say.

"Stella you just got a full scholarship to UCLA. Are you really gonna throw that away?" My mom asks.

"How do I know something won't happen in the next year? What if some drastic accident happens and I have to get my arm amputated. How am I supposed to know something like that won't happen?" I ask. There was a pause.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Dad asks.

"I know she can." Brandon says. I turn to him smiling and he smiles too. I look back to my dad.

"Alright. I still have to go though."

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and I'm sure he sees it on my face because he walks over to me and holds the sides of my face in his hands.

"I won't be gone as long. I'll probably be back after your first couple paychecks."

He kisses my forehead. I hug him around his waist and I don't even know how long we stay like that. But I remember the cd for Peyton.

"Oh yeah, here you go. I felt bad that there wasn't another ticket so..." I walk over to Peyton and hand her it.  She eeps.

"It has a note and all!"

"It does?" I ask. I look over her shoulder to find it actually does.

"Thank you for all the support, it means the world to me <3 Demi Lovato." I read aloud. 

Mom tells us it's been a long night so we should head to bed. We did....

Saturday and Sunday were both days that revolved one hundred percent around dad. We did all his favorite things like watcching his favorite shows and movies, listening to his favorite songs, and eating his favorite food. Then Sunday afternoon came and we had to take dad to the airport. We helped him with his luggage while him and mom held hands talking. We all hug and kiss dad goodbye.

"I won't be gone long. I promise." He tells me and gives me another kiss on the forehead. 

We sit on the chairs by the metal detectors waiting for mom since we let her say the last goodbye. The car ride home was pretty much quiet. But when we got home we all started to pack up. But only until around midnight since we still had school. Mom said she forgot to withdraw us. So she's doing that Tuesday so she can apply for us all at Calabasas high...

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