Just Chilling With @letsmakeitdotorg

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Who knows how long after we were just standing like that, Jaden says something.

"My dad saw us."

"Really?" I ask.


"And he didn't say anything...?" I ask.


"That's weird." I feel him silently chuckle. Then he starts to pull away.

"Wait." I pull up the bottom of his shirt up and wipe my eyes. Jaden laughs.

"Got my shirt all wet." I laugh and push him away.

"Shut up."

Then it was quiet for a moment.

"So do you play anything?" Jaden asks me.

"I play guitar and a little piano."

"Really?" He asks smiling.


"Show me whatcha got then." I smile and walk to the piano. I sit down and play a piano version of 'Hey There Deliliah'.

"Your alright." I laugh.

"You can talk to me about music when you work on your rhymes." He laughs to.

"You wanna talk? Alright. Five minutes and let's see what we got." I shrug.


Jaden gives me a sheet of paper and a pencil. We wait for ir to be 10:11.

"Andddd... go!"

We start writing. I'm on a roll for a while until I get writers block. Jaden and I look at eachother at the same time, and then laugh. We get back to writing...

"Alright." Jaden says.

I put my pencil down and look at him as if telling him to go. He smiles and reads off his paper,


My name is Jaden and I'm a young fellow

I like to keep it mellow

I like to make friends and make trends

attending young school dancer, young romances

Girl this is your chance it's a long shot

Cupid tried to hit your bow but it's the wrong shot

Imma keep rappin' 'bout this love until the song stops

Cause we're just dumb and young and numb

and lung capicity flung from me in the last city

Um, hon? You're one of the last pretty girls that ain't cash greedy...

and that's all I got. You?"

I sigh.

"Do I have to?" I ask.

"I know it's bad, but you can still go." He says smiling. I give him a look and then start.

"Too-" He cuts me off.

"No. You gotta rap it for me." I laugh.

"Forreal?" He nods. So I start over.

"Too nice, too clean

Too white, too green

Little haters, big dreams

I don't care wwhat you think about me, uh

Two face, old friends

told me, the end

What's near? Ha forget them

See alotta things changed since then

Don't they know that I came from Florida?

Am I gonna quit? Nice of you to ask but

Xanna told me go and chase what you're after

I'm on track so I'm gonna rap faster

Imma break it down for you and get a little deeper

Slayin' on it prayin' on it like a grim reaper

Runnin' the thermometer, yep I gotta fever

I put the paper down to see Jaden looking at me in awe.

"What?" I ask smiling.

"I didn't expect that." I laugh.

"I told you you have a lot to learn about me."

"Well we have the rest of the night." Jaden offers and I smile.

"So let's start off with this, who's Xanna?" He asks.

"My aunt. She's my mom's sister. Roxanna. Probably my favorite aunt and one of my favorite people in this world."

He 'oh's. Then we go underneath the covers and I answer all the questions he asks. From silly things like my favorite color andd food to things like my relationship with my family, what my overprotective mom is like, and how selfconcious I am. But while this was going on I kept checking my instagram.

"Yoou have an instagram?" He asks me.

"Of course." I say.

We take eachothers phones so wee can follow eachother. That's when he foundd out I was already following him. When I saw I reach for my phone to take it back, embarressed.

"Wait." Jaden says scrolling down his profile to see I liked about every picture there except for like four or fve.

"That's cute." He hands me it back.

"Yeah." I say while blushing.

So we take like ten pics on Jaden's phone because I liked his camera more. We pick out our favorite four to make a collage. He puts it on instagram. I refresh my home page so I see it. He wrote.

"Chilling with @Bella_Stella. You should follow her... cause she's cute."

"Awww." I say after I read it.  I look at Jaden and see he's blushing.

"You're blushing! That's so cute!" He laughs.

I take a screen capture and go back to instagram. I put that effect up that blurs the picture but hightens one part. I highten what he wrote and put that up commenting, 

"Sweetest guy ever :3"

Then I comment on his picture,

"He wants the D @letsmakeitdotorg." Jaden laughs, so I know he saw it.

"@Bella_Stella You know it ;)" I laugh too.

"@letsmakeitdotorg Lolol!"

So after he went back to asking me all these questions, but not long after I fell asleep on his chest... 

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