I Think This Is Gonna Be A Really Good Day :)

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"So that's why you weren't at school today." I look to my sidewalk to find Jaden standing there.

"Why are you by my house?" I ask him.

"I came to check up on you but uh, I see Justin already did."

"Yeah, and he did damage control too so you can go." I tell Jaden.

"What are you talking about?" Jaden asks.

"The girl at the parties." Then I see his face change and he sighs.

"Stella it's complicated. She's my ex, but the only reason we broke up was because she moved." He explains.

"Jaden it's whatever. We're not official or anything so why should I care?"

I tell him walking back to my house.


"I'll see you in my classes." I tell him and continue walking.

"She has a boyfriend Stella," That stops me in my tracks.

"Alejandro." I turn around with my arms crossed.

"So the fact that she has a boyfrend is supposed to make me believe there isn't anything going on between you two?"

"You can ask Teo."

"Because Teo wouldn't lie for you, right?" I say and then walk back to my door.

"Stella, hear me out. I know you know things aren't always what they seem." 

I just stare at him trying to figure out whether or not he truely is sincere. I open my door and walk through.

"Ok." I say over my shoulder and close the door.......

"Stella! Up!" I groan, but do what my mom says. 

I take a shower and pull on this black shirt that says, "I <3 Canadian Boys" with the heart as the Canadian flag. I flat iron my hair in Peyton's room.

"You're wearing that... to school?" She asks as I sit at her dresser.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" She continues.


As soon as I finish I get up and walk to my room. I put on my white skinnys from yesterday, and these cute red adidas. I pull my hair up into a ponytail, put my backpack on and take my volleyball bag with my stuff packed from last night. I sigh as I see Jaden waiting by my gate. He turns around as I shut my door.

"Why are you here?" I ask Jaden as I lock the gate.

"Thought I'd walk to school with you."


I put my thumb behind my backpack strab and grip it with my fingers over the buckle to prevent Jaden from trying to hold my hand.

"So what's with the shirt?" He asks after a long silence.

"It was a going away present." A couple more seconds of silence went by.

Jaden pulls me to the side of the sidewalk.

"Why are you being like this Stella?" He asks.

"Like what Jaden?" I ask with more edge than intended at the mention of his name.

"Like I'm the bad guy here. Look I know there's something going on with you and Justin but you just think there's something going on with me and Liv."

"Liv? You have a nickname for her?" I ask him.

"You act like you don't have nicknames for your ex's." Jaden says.

"I had nicknames for them."

"Same thing."

"No. Not the same thing. Had, as in I don't call them that anymore."

When he doesn't say anything I just walk away.

"Stella, it's complicated." Jaden catches up and stops me again.

"And it's not for me?" I ask Jaden.

"No because if it wasn't for that one night Justin wouldn't even be in this."

"But he is." I sigh.

"Listen, I might not like your complication but atleast I understand it."

He opens his mouth.

"But just because I understand doesn't mean I'm gonna wait Jaden. I've been through this so many times,"

He opens his mouch again but I cut him off again.

"and you might think I'm over reacting but I'm actually being proactive s-"

Jaden cuts me off by kissing me. Just a simple four second peck.

"Are you gonna let me talk now?" I just nod.

"Alright, listen. I like you Stella. Like I really like you, and maybe I do have some left over feelings for her. But it's nothing... Now, what about you and Justin?"

"It's been one day Jaden. It's nothing serious."

"Good... So, we're good?" Jaden asks.

"I guess." Then we start walking again.

"Your first game's tonight, right?" Jaden asks.


"I might stop by."

"You might?" I ask smiling.

"You know, I'm a real busy guy."

"Uh huh. Sure." We both laugh.

Jaden interlocked his fingers with mine. I look up to him and smile. We got to school a couple minutes later and I can't tell if all the looks I'm getting are about Friday or me and Jaden. But either way I didn't care. Since we're still early Jaden and I sit at this table by ourselves. I then see it's next to Alejandro and his clan, but we just chill and listen to music. Then Alejandro comes over.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Friday. Even I wouldn't do that." I smile.

"Thanks." Then he goes back to his table.

When I turn to Jaden he has this suprised expression on his face.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"I've never seen him like that around a girl." 

"What can I say I change people." I shrug.

Then the bell rings. Jaden walks me to class and gives me a kiss bye before I head inside my classroom. Class was alright except for the fact that the whole class period people were just full on staring at me and whispering about me. So I was glad that next period I had Jaden next to me to ease me through it. When the bell rings we walk to peer counseling together. I sit at my desk and Mrs. Goodey walks up to me.

"Are you alright?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good. Because the game would be a disaster without the libero." My jaw drops.

"What?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah. I was gonna tell you when you came back. But I was starting to think you wouldn't be up for it."

"I'm definitely up for it." I say smiling.

"Fantastic." Mrs.Goodey says and then she walks back to her desk.....

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