She's A Rich Girl XD

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...We finish our food in around an hour with all the talking. So now it was a little after eight when Justin starts driving to the mall.

"What mall are we goning to?" I ask Justin.

"Del Amo." He says and I smile.

"Oh. That's where I met Ariana."

"You met Ariana Grande and you didn't tell me?!?!" Peyton screams from the backseat and I wince.

"I forgot." I say.

"You just forgot to tell me you met her?" Peyton asks while I call Ariana.

"Oh ok. Act like you don't hear me." She says and I just roll my eyes while I hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Ariana asks

"Hey, it's me." I say.

"I know. I have caller id." I laugh.

"True... Hold on I'm gonna put you on speaker."

"Oh, um ok?" She laughs and I put her on speaker.

"Ok Ariana your on speaker." Pey gasps.

"So you know how I was telling you my sister met you at your show thirteen?"


"She was pissed because I forgot to tell her I met you until right now." Ariana laughs.

"So we're driving and you're on speaker." I add.

"Hiii!" Ariana says and I laugh.

"Hi." Peyton says.

"So we met before?" Ariana asks.

"Yeah like three years ago." There was a pause.

"Wait... are you the creatures of the underworld girl?!" Peyton laugh.


"No!" More laughing.

"Hold on one second." Ariana says and we wait a minute.

"-No you're lying!" I hear another voice say.

"No, I'm serious. She's on the line right now!" Ariana says.

"Hello?" The other voice asks.

"Yeah." Peyton says.

"You're the creatures of the underworld girl?" She asks.

"You didn't even introduce yourself." Ariana laughs.

"Oh, I'm Liz." Peyton looks to me with her jaw dropped smiling.

"Hi." She says grinning.

"So you are her, like legit?" Liz asks.

"Uh huh." She says.

"We were talking about you like what, last week?" Liz says.

"Yeah." Ariana confirms.

"What are you talking about?" I ask Ariana.

"Who's that?" Liz asks.

"Her sister, she never told you?" Ariana asks me.

"No." I give Peyton a questioning look who just smiles.

"She didn't have a sister." Liz says.

"No, her sister was with Max and she was with us." Ariana asks.

"Wait.... Hold on." I hear her texting something.

"But anyway the story was that we were talking and taking pictures with the people who just saw our performances. So we're just talking when Liz quotes something from Moulin Rouge and everyone's just looking lost so we were like oh no one here watched Moulin Rouge. So we changed topics and just went to something else... God, what were we talking about... um... Oh! Someone told me they liked the shirt I had on and I was like I actually bought it myself at this mall in Boca. So your sister....'

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