Beach Day ! :3

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... When I woke up my head was all foggy from crying the previous night. I go on my phone to see a thousand plus likes and over two hundred comments like, "Awww :(" and "What happened?" and even some "Imma kill Jaden" 's. I can't help but smile at people I haven't even met yet are so protective over me. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and  open the door to find Jaden sitting on the floor with his back resting on the wall and his arms crossed sleeping. I can't help but smile and snap a picture. "How cute is this boy? He fell asleep waiting for me :3" Then I put it on Instagram. I kneel down and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He starts waking up and smiless when he opens his eyes to me.

"You're out." He says.

"I'm out." I grin.

"Let me brush my teeth." I nod and let him go.

I lay on his bed and play the logo quiz while I wait for Jaden. A couple minutes later Jaden lays down next to me.

"You good?" He asks me.

"Never better." I respond.

"Never say never." He says smiling and I laugh.

"So what's planned for today?" I ask and he shrugs.

"What do you wanna do?"

"The beach?" I sk smiling.


"And I'm kinda hungry." I add.

"iHop and then the beach?" I grin.

"Definitely." So we both take showers and I pull on this really cute monokini. I check myself out in Willow's full length mirror. I look cute! Then I pull on this yellow cover up. ( I slip into my brown slippers and walk into Jaden's room where I find  him pulling on a white wife beater over his perfectly toned chest. Jaden catches me staring and smirks as I blush. He hands me a towel and we walk downstairs.

"Where are we going?" Will asks.

"iHop and the beach." Jaden answers. Will smiles.

"Have fun." He says as we exit the house...

"You know these streets are perfect for shreding." I say.

"That's what I say." Jaden says smiling. Then he realized what I said.

"Wait, you skate?" He asks. I shrug.

"A little." He nods impressed.

"I haven't met a lot of girls that do."

"Yeah, I haven't either."

"We should skate later. Me and the crew were gonna hit up Venice SkatePark." I smile.

"Let's do it."

When we reach the iHop we both get chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and hashbrowns. And oj too. We chatted while we ate, but the water was calling me so half an hour later we walked to the beach. Jaden and I find the perfect spot between two  palm trees. We lay our towels out and drop our stuff on it. I take my brown beach bag off my shoulder so I can take off my cover up. While I take it off I can just feel Jaden watching me. 

"Yes?" I ask smiling while I take it off my head.

"Nothing... Ready?" He asks.

"No." I take my sunscreen out of my bag and wave it in front of him.

He just looks at me with this look that says, "You're serious?"

"Forreal?" He asks smiling.

"Do you know you easily I burn?" I ask laughing.

"Sunscreen me por favor." I hold the bottle out for him expectantly.

He takes it and starts at my ankles and works his way up to my thighs. Then he skips my body and goes to my arms. Jaden makes his way to my shoulders and lotions my upper back and then my lower back.  He slides his hands under the tied strings on my back and then starts groping my waist. I giggle as Jaden kisses my neck and starts feeling under my bathing suit around my stomach. I turn around and I see that he's about to kiss me.

"Not yet." He smiles wryly and slaps sunscreen on my face.

I laugh as he rubs it all over my face making my cheeks, and lips go in every direction. He laughs too, and then lotions my  neck. I take the bottle when he tries to lotion my cleavage and he just laughs. I put everything into my bag and look up to see Jaden toeing the water. I roll my eyes laughing to my self. I take off running down the hil land dive into the water. Once I surface I look around to find no Jaden. But I kept looking, when out of no where I feel something grip my ankles. Even though I know it's Jaden I shreik/laugh as I rise into the air on his shoulders.

"Hey." Jaden says and I laugh at how calmly he says it.

"Hi." I say still laughing.

"You scared the crap out of me." Jaden chuckles, and starts walking further into the ocean.

"Don't drop me." I say blantantly even though it's kinda crazy how little I swy as he walks.

"I won't." Seconds later he turns around, jumps and drops us both in the water. 

"Jaden!" I yell once both our heads pop up, but it's muffled by his laughter.

Once I wipe my burning eyes I splash him, only to begin a splash fight. We're at war when I realize this isn't gonna work because his splashes are bigger than mine. So I turn around and try running through the water away from Jaden, and of course he catches up with me. But before he could o anything I tackle him and we fall into the water. We both go up laughing again and decided to go deeper into the ocean. So we did. We went out until we had to tread water, and stayed there for a while just talking when we decided to swim back...

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