Beliebers Are The Shiznet

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"Justin Bieber here!" Justin says as he turns the chat on.

"This is Stella." Justin introduces me.


"We just got on the plane back from Florida. I had two gigs and this girl opened for me."

He motions to me.

"Yup. Miami was too live." We laugh.

"Forreal though. If you MIA people are on, you guys were amazing. I had fun." I smile.

"So..." I say.

"So..." Justin repeats.

"What did the squash say to the watermelon as they were getting put into the fridge?" 


"Butternut squash me!" I grin. Justin just shakes his head while smiling.

"You know that was funny." I laugh.

"That was horrible." 

"They liked it." I point to the screen where there were these "Jajaja's" and "XD's" and "roflmao's".

"Speaking of them. You guys should send in questions." Justin says.

"So we can answer them." I finish. Justin turns to me.

"What?" I ask laughing. He smiles and turns back to the screen.

"Ok. Mrs.Bieber14398 wants to know if you're a signed artist." Justin looks at me.

"No, I'm not. I wanna focus on school right now."


"Really?" I ask while Justin looks for the next question smiling.

"JelenaLover4life asks 'Did you and Selena break up? Because I heard this rumor but idk.' Yeah we broke up, a week ago?" He asks me.

"A week ago." I confirm.

"Yeah... CandyBear135 asks 'Wait, aren't you the girl that's dating Jaden?' " Justin turns to me.

"That's me, but we don't date." I answer and then I look for a question.

"Miaaa69 wants to know if we date." I tell Justin.

Justin hugs me around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Yep this my girrrrl." I laugh.

"Nahh. We're just friends." I say.

"Real good friends." 

"Justin shut up." I say smiling. I look for another question.

"Stella, when was the first time you ever performed? LittleRed7. Believe it or not, yesterday."

I search for another question.

"Stella, what's your favorite number? MonkeyBear94.... Eight." I answer and looks for another.

"Stella can you sing for us? Lovatic49... I don't even know what to sing... um lemme think."

I say laughing.

"Do you triple threat." I smile to myself.

If I ever do sign with Island Def Jam I'm definitely gonna use Triple Threat as my rap persona. Like Justin and Shawty Mane. Then I decide what to sing. I clear my throat andd start singing "Don't Let Me Fall" by B.O.B and by the 'so here I go B.O.B...' part I go,

"...So here I go Triple Threat, Stella Smock..."

So we keep answering questions and start doing random stuff that Justn's fans were telling us to do because they were hilarious! Then we went back to questions.

"Name your secret obsessions. At the same time. PeaceMaker999." Justin says.

"On three. One, two three. Ass!"

"Smosh!" I slowly turn to Justin.

"What?" I ask and we both laugh.

"What's Smosh?" I gasp.

"You've never watched Smosh?" 


"We're fixing that right now." I open a new tab, go on youtube, search up Pokemon in real life 2.

"Oohh. These are the guys that made the Leave It To Beiber Show." I laugh.

"Oh yeah!" 

So we're both laughing to Smosh.

"I love Smosh." I sigh when it finishes.

"They're cool." Justin says.

"Questions?" I ask Justin after another moment of silence.

"Uhh... Stella what's your favorite color, StarbucksLover24." Justin says.

"Ummm either turquiose or lime green."

"She said one."

"Well I said two." I stick my tongue out.

"Stella, what's your favorite candy? SpariaLover23." Justin says.

"Ummm. York pieces. I love those so much!"

"Nah, it's all about sour patch kids." Justin says.

"Mmm.  I don't think so." 






"Next question!" I say while looking for one.

"What's the most embarrasing thing you guys ever did, B-"  I burst out laughing at this girl's name.

"What?" Justin asks smiling at me.

"Bmo'sbitch." He just gives me a look.

"You don't watch adventure time." I say still laughing.

"But anyway, your most embarrassing moment?" I ask Justin.

"Still that date I spilled pasta on." I smile.

"You?" Justin asks.

"Ummmmm, oh! Eighth grade I was texting my best friend, Maria about my crush. And then she asked me why I liked him so I sent her like this three paged rant about everything I liked about him. But apparently I sent it to him instead of Maria." Justin laughs.


"Yeahh." I say smiling.

"What happened?"

"He called me and he was like did you just text me? And I was like no. Then he said check your phone, so I did and freaked out. And then to make things worse he told me he didn't like me like that." Justin aw's.

"He was gay." Justin dies laughing.

"Stella, do you plan on making youtube videos? TeamEdward99." Justin says.

"I'll tell you what." I go on youtube and create a new account.

Justin and I take a rachet picture and I upload it as my profile pic.

"I just made a new youtube account just for videos. It's @B-e-l-a-a _ S-t-e-l-l-a-a. Bellaa_Stella,"

I hold it up to the camera so they can see.

"If I get five thousand subscribers I'll make a video before the weekend. If not I'll just make one on the weekend." I shrug.

We continue the livechat for the rest of the flight...

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