We're Just Under The Upperhand

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..... The bell rings.

"I got it!" I yell and start walking.

"Nah I got it." Jaden says.

We both just look at eachother for a couple seconds and then we both take off running. He got a head start but then I start catching up. But then he pushes me while I'm running. I skid a little but I'm straight, and that's when I notice Jaden's steps from the door. I run, jump over the back of the couch on to the couch and then on to his back.

"I wanna get it!" I say while he regains his balance laughing.

"Stella get off." He says.

"Let me open the door!" I say.

When we reach the door I start slapping Jaden's hands.

"Stella chill!" He laughs. So when he's finally able to unlock the door Mateo yanks it opened.

I look up to the guys looking at me like there's something wrong with me.

"I wanted to get the door..." They just stare at me for a second before they burst out laughing.

I jump off of Jaden and we all walk to the family room.

"So let me see it first." Mateo says.

Jaden starts the music and then we dance. But the guys keep going "Damn" and "Oohh" and I stay laughing.

"That was dope." Mateo says after we finish. I gasp. I have an idea.

"What?" They ask.

"We should wear snapbacks!' I tell Jaden. He laughs but agrees.

So we both run upstairs and find these two black snapbacks. But since they both have different designs on them we just decide to put them on backwards. Then we head back down to the guys. I squat, and Mateo squats infront of me with the camera.

"Say when." Moises says.

"When." Mateo says. 

"The fuck are you doing?" Mateo asks me. I'm sucking my cheeks in and looking cross-eyed. I burst out laughing, and then Jaden jumps into the frame. He looks at the camera, me, back to the camera and shrugs. I laugh and then we start the bang it thing. After that we get up, walk back a little and then do the dance. Mateo and Moises kept "oohh' ing and "damn" ing again through the video which kept me smiling while trying not to laugh and ruin the dance. Once we finish the jerk, reject, pin drop thing Jaden and I burst out laughing.

"And cut!" Mateo says.

"That was nice." Moises says.

"No. I kept thinking you guys were gonna mess me up. Making me laugh and all." I say.

"It makes the video cute." Mateo shrugs.

So then we all go upstairs to Jaden's laptop where Mateo edits the video while we chill with Moises. When Mateo finishes he calls us over. First there was a slide that said "IaMmE Cover: Bang By: Stella Smock & Jaden Smith. It fades away and the dancing starts. We're good... real good. But before Mateo posted the video Jaden and I took a pic flashing peace signs.

"Twinning with the one and only :P Check out our video on @letsmakeitdotorg his youtube channel! The link will be in my description in a few ;D"

Mateo and I post it at the same time. So the guys all take screen cap's of the vid on their phones and post it to Instagram with the link also in their descriptions.

"Forreal though, where'd you learn to dance like that?" Jaden asks.

"I've been dancing like my whole life at the same dance studio." 

"Dance studio?" Mateo asks.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"So you play volleyball, the guitar, the piano, you sing, you rap, you write, and now you can dance too?" Jaden asks.

"Actually I play the drums... really well."

Jaden gives me this look that says 'You're kidding me' and I laugh.

"Everyone in my family does something to do with music... we're a music family." I shrug.

"You can sing... and rap?" Mateo asks. I look to Jaden.

"Go 'head." He says and I smile.

I think about what to do for a couple seconds when it hits me. I take a breath and rap Busta Rhymes  verse in Look At Me Now. I thought it was funny looking at the awe in their faces as they watch me. When they don't say anything when I finish I laugh.

"I guess I should've sang first." I say and Jaden smiles.

I pause for a couple seconds thinking what to play. When the perfect song enters my mind I walk to the piano. I play one note and then sing the first couple words to The A Team By Ed Sheeran. Then I continue with the song until the end. When I finish I turn around to the guys.

"Damn. This girl was made to make it big." Mateo says.

"Stop." I drag the word out blushing.

"Dude's right though." Moises adds and Jaden nods.

"Maybe you didn't just move here for your godmom's mom."

"You know, I never thought about that before."  I say.

"You should."

Truth is though, I'm not sure I wanna be signed. I mean I don't think I wanna go through the headache and the money issues... again. Let's just say that the first record deal didn't go so well.

So Mateo and Moises had to leave for lunch plans with their family, and that just left me with Jaden again...

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