Why Did This Week Go By So Fast? :/

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Mom wakes me up. I take a shower and pull on this grey hello kitty sweater with hello kitty on it with a blue bow. I put blue jeans that are the same shade on and then get my white vans. Since I was too lazy to put my contacts in I keep my glasses on. I take my packpack and eat breakfast with my mom. When I finish I kiss her goodbye and walk to school. I'm not gonna lie, I was still pretty bummed when I found there was still no Jaden. I sat at my table just scrolling through Instagram.

"You're looking down." Alejandro sits next to me. I smile slightly.

"I'm feeling pretty down."


"I'm moving...Again."


"I don't even know. When we finish packing I guess. But it's my last day either tomorrow or the day after. It depends on when my mom withdraws me."

"Where are you guys moving?"




"Hey, look on the bright side, you're still in Cali."

"Yeah but it's like an hour and a half."

"An hour and a half, around the corner. Ta-may-toe, Ta-ma-toe."

"Shut up." I laugh.

So Alejandro changes the subject and we talk until I walk into my English class. So of course there was no Jaden in my tech class. I walk into Peer counseling pouting.

"Guess what?" I ask Teo.

"What?" He asks. I sit down.

"I'm moving."

"Nah, you're lying."

"I wish."

"You're forreal?"




"Why that far?" He asks.

"That's where my mom's best friend lives."

"Damn. When are you moving?"

"I don't know. Somewhere after Tuesday or Wednesday and before Monday."

"You just ruined my day bro." I laugh.


"Don't do that." He says smiling.

"Ok." We laugh.

So the rest of the day was basically just telling everyone I was moving. So you can tell how fun that actually was.....

The next day mom woke me up, I pulled on this cookie monster tanktop, black skinnys, my converse and my glasses. I decide to wear that hat Jaden won me because I haven't worn it in a while. I ate breakfast with my mom and then went to school. No Jaden, no surprise there.

"I figured out what school I'm going to." I tell Teo as I sit down at my seat.

"What school?"

"Calabasas high."

"The school's pretty cool from what I hear. I know a couple people that go there." I nod.

"I still can't believe you're moving though. You've only been here like three weeks."

"Four," I correct him smiling.

"And I know."

So we go to lunch and literally the second I finish eating I get called into the office. I walk there wondering what this could be about. I see a pudgy man behind a desk dressed in a suit and the name Mr. Henderson on his name plate.

"You called?" I ask.

"Stella Smock, have a seat." He motions to a comfy looking seat right infront of him.

I sit and look back up at him.

"So, I see you want to be taken out of Notre Dame?" He asks.

"Not really want. It's a must. I'm moving."

"We have buses." He says.

"To Calabasas?" I ask him skeptically.

"It could be arranged."

"Umm. No thank you. I don't think that's necessary." I get up to leave.

"You don't understand." I sigh. I turn around.

"We have a reputation to maintain at this school." I sit down again.

"If one student just leaves out of the blue. It'll look bad on our part." He continues.

"Well trust me, there's nothing you can do. I tried everything." I tell him.

"There has to be some way." We both brainstorm for the next couple hours. I juust stayed so I din't have to go to class, but then it got boring.

"Listen, no disrespect, but there's nothing that we can do. Can I just go to class?" I ask. He gives me an unsure expression and then he sighs.

"Yes I suppose." He writes me a pass.

"Come anywhere either tomorrow or the day after or friday. You can come during school hours to return your books and uniform." I pout remembering my volleyball uniform.

"Ok." I pout. He hands me the pass and then I leave.

I hand my pass to Mr.Bradshaw, he takes it and nods to my seat.

"You just came back from the principle?" Teo asks.

"Yeah. He said it would give the school a "bad rep" if I left randomly." I tell him.

"So you're not leaving?" He asks.

"No, I still am."

"Stacked me up to knock me down." I laugh.

So we talk the rest of the period and then walk to the courtyard.

"Stella's moving." Teo says once Moi comes.

"You serious?" He asks me.

"Yeah, to Calabasas."

"That sucks." He says.

"Tell me about it." My phone starts vibrating like crazy.

"Listen, I gotta go. But I'll be back tomorrow." I hug them both bye and then pick up my phone...

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