Yes Sir I'm A Beast, Can't Tame That ;D

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... I slowly open my eyes to see Jaden watching me.

"That's creepy." I push his face away playfully and we laugh.

"Morning to you too." He says as I stretch.

"Good sleep?" I nod while I yawn.

I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finish I stand in the doorway and click my tongue twice.

"I'm hungry." Jaden laughs.

"Hold on. Lemme brush my teeth and we'll get breakfest." He says walking past me into the bathroom.

"Alright." I sit jump on to the bed.

I get my phone and take a pic of me smiling wildly.

"Morning world!" I comment and put it on Instagram.

When Jaden comes out he makes me an omlet and waffles and we share it.

"You know I'm still waiting to see what you got." Jaden says.

I look at him questionably for a couple seconds when I remembered that I was going to show him my dancing.

"Oh! Let me take a shower and I'll shower." Jaden agrees.

I take my shower and wash my face. From the steam my hair started to curl a little but it was still mainly straight. When I get out of the shower I pull on my black chachimommas with red zippers, a white v-neck, and red vans. Then I got out of the bathroom.

"Shit just got real." Jaden says and I laugh.

"So where are we gonna do this?" I ask.

"Family room? I don't care."

"Family room it is."

Then we walk downstairs to the family room. Once I thought about what I was gonna do I say,

"Just so you know I didn't choreograph this." He just nods.

"So what song do you want me to play?" Jaden asks.

"Search up Bang it, KP ft Lost Generation. The first one that pops up."


So once it starts I skip infront of the tv while Jaden sits on the couch. I wait for KP's verse to start so I can dance. When it came I started. I'm not gonna lie I ws a little nervous but after that part 'Skate like heelflips' I saw Jadens smiling face which really helped.

"You gotta teach me that." He says like the second I finish.

"It wasn't even that good!" I laugh.

"You're insane."

So Jaden and I were on this dance for two or three hours using the big flat screen as a mirror, and then he finally got it.

"Let me take a shower." I nod.

I watch him until I can't see him anymore. I wait for the water to come on before I ran upstairs to get my phone, and then I run back downstairs. I play Gimmie That on my phone trying to finish my choreography. Around the same time I finish Jaden comes down one hiundred percent matching me.

"You know about Chachi?" I ask suprised.

"Yeah. I've been looking for someone do could do that dance for a minute." I smile.

"What's all this?" Will passes by and sees us matching.

"It's a dancer thing." I explain.

"Dad you gotta see this dance Stella taught me."

"You dance too?" Will asks.

"A little." I say.

"She's lying." Jaden says and I laugh.

"I wanna see this now." Will says.

So Jaden gives the phone to Will and tells him when to start it. Then we dance.

"That was actually pretty good." I laugh.

"Well, um, thanks.... Oh! Let me show you the original."

I get it up on youtube and show him.

"That's exactly you." Jaden points to Chachi.

"What? No. That girl's amazing." I say like it should've been obvious.

"You're not that bad yourself." He says.

"But she's better. She's Chachi!" I say like that's reason enough.

"If you like her so much why don't you post a video of you doing her dance."

Will says as he walks out of the family room.

"Ay! I could get Moi on it. That kid likes to shoot."

"Do it with me?" I ask Jaden.


"Hey, this could be your first video with me on your channel." I sa smiling.

True. Then we could spread the word on Instagram and Twitter." I grin.

"That would be amazing!" Jaden smiles and calls Moises.

They say they'll be here in a half hour, so Jaden and I decide to add our own stuff to the video. Like the Bang I's in the beginning Jaden and I squat and act like we're hitting a drum with drumsticks with every bang it. Then at the end we jerk, reject, and pin drop in slow-mo for when the beat drops....

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