Chapter 53: Drive

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Clay POV

Niki refused to talk to me as the car sped out of town. It was pushing past the speed limit but nobody else was around, in face it seemed likely that they had been instructed to stare clear of our path. My gaze was on the window, watching the buildings as they blurred past.

This was Niki’s car, not mine, so she and Jimmy probably knew nothing about me ripping out the cameras, microphones, and GPS. Yet as I sat here I felt like I was boiling over, as though I was going to have everything explode out of me if I couldn't speak to George some time soon.

The car crossed the bridge which was also clear. It was over a long stretch of water and occasionally swayed. I knew for a fact it was strong enough and that it was an intentional design which wouldn't end up killing anyone who used it, but I could understand the anxieties that George would have.

A black Jeep had parked itself just out of sight on the other side of the bridge. Near a building which I had passed on the way into town but had ignored. It had coarse bricks which were a sandy cream and a rusty tin roof.

Standing around the Jeep was Chandler, Kris, and a couple other people who I did not recognise. All of them seemed equally pissed and the moment the car pulled to a stop they all approached. The woman next to me lowered her gaze, refusing to move or even acknowledge me. My door was thrown open.

All the voices meshed into one scream of annoyance, of hatred. Lots of 'fuck you's was screamed at me before everyone went silent and I was motioned into the small building from earlier. Now I began feeling panic, the darkness a clear trap however it was one that I could not avoid.

When I stepped inside I kept my head low before being grabbed and thrown against a wall. Jimmy glared at me as he got close, and despite the warmth of his breath I couldn't help but feel a shiver. "How fucking dare you." He basically snarled out the words, glaring and speaking like a wild animal.

"I've been so damn nice to you. I've been so fucking supportive. Then you repay me by trying to expose everything to him. Is this just a game to you?"
"You ate keeping a whole world hidden from him." I pointed out.

My tone matched his and I managed to push the brunette off of me. "You haven't let him see that the world is bigger than this island, even though he really wants to. You are keeping him here as though he is an animal, as though he's just your bloody pet." I crossed my arms, showing my agitation.

"He is fine on this island." Jimmy reassured me. "He is happy here. We make sure that he is happy, healthy, and has people that are supportive of him."
"Supportive?" I snorted, it was funny that that was the word he chose. Jimmy’s eyes just narrowed, challenging me.

"His boyfriend had been cheating on him. His best friends think him showing any emotions is disgusting. None of them actually like him!"
"And where was your care about this when you first came here? When I offered to let you stay on this island you were desperate to agree."

"This isn't about that." I grumbled, turning towards the door. "The fact is that regardless of how I feel it is wrong to keep him on this show his whole life. He is a human, deserving of his own life without people watching his every move."

"Even if you did let him out, people would watch his every move. You've seen some of his fans, seen what they'd do to him if they had the chance. Keeping him here is what is best for his safety."
"Safety that you put at risk by keeping him here." I pointed out.

"Does everything have to be an argument with you?" He scoffed, eyes narrowing. I continued to glare yet I dared a glance away. At least half of the people who had been here when we'd arrived were standing in the doorway, watching. They whispered to one another about what we were saying, clearly eating up the drama.

"I just think that you don't care for George." I stated blandly, since that is what it was, just a bland and blatant fact.
"I don't care for George?" His eyes narrowed and he scoffed. "I've given up my entire fucking life to George y'know? I've given up everything."

"Prove it then." I stepped back away from him, allowing the brunette space to prove to me that he had given up everything, as he said.
"I never knew my father." He muttered. "He was always here, looking after George as he grew up. In fact he was more of a father to him than to me."

I resisted rolling my eyes. "My whole life I grew up here, knowing George better than anyone else did. He was a friend to me, basically a brother. When my Dad died I took over; no school, no friends, no family of my own. All that mattered was making sure he was okay."

He continued on, listing all sorts of things that he had done to help George over the years and I narrowed my eyes, eventually cutting him off. "This doesn't make you a good person, you've ruined George's life."
"His mother didn't want him. He'd be dead by now if it wasn't for me and my father."

His reasoning didn't make sense and so I glared. "That doesn't-"
"No." I was cut off. "You just keep dragging this out Clay. I am sick of you criticising everything I've done just because you suddenly decided to fuck George. That is why I expect you to leave the show immediately."

My eyes widened in shock, and I could feel the tenseness of the air around me as everyone watched me silently. "What?" I asked.
"You are a risk, I can't trust that you won't try and reveal this to George again and so therefore I refuse to allow you to be here any longer, for George’s sake."

I looked away, refusing to let Jimmy see the tear threatening to appear at the idea of losing my beloved George. Jimmy waited patiently for me to respond. Eventually I sighed, admitting defeat. "Can I at least grab my own stuff before I go?"
1132 words

Clay is getting kicked off of the show, will he leave Gogy? That would be a sad ending for DNF

Also voting for the next story will be up tomorrow. Who is excited?

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