Chapter 6: Drunk

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Clay POV

“Kick your shoes off.” I told George, a hand on his back. He did what I said without complaint, stumbling slightly as he kicked them into the corner. The clothes that he was wearing other than the shoes were all covered. “Good, now just climb into bed.” I smiled awkwardly, knowing that people watching would absolutely judge me.

After laying him down I tucked him into the bed before turning and walking out of the room. I ran into Fundy into the hallway, with him letting out a gasp as he almost stumbled into me. “Are you okay?” I asked him, my brows furrowing.

“I was worried about George.” He responded. “I didn’t know that you had taken him. We were meant to do presents.” The redhead didn’t seem too upset about the fact that George was actually missing the party or the cake or the presents. It more so seemed that he was sad that he couldn’t be getting the footage.

“He got drunk.” I shrugged. “I ended up taking him to bed so that he wouldn’t pass out or make a fool of himself.” Fundy glowered and pulled me closer to him, so that his voice was barely louder than a whisper and wouldn’t be picked up by the cameras.
“This is to celebrate 25 years of the show. Who cares if he embarrasses himself?”

“Any decent person would.” I told him, glowering at the red head. I had seen him all the time on the show, I mean obviously I would see him since he was George’s boyfriend. But I had never expected that he would be so cold when talking about the brunette. “Look… I don’t care what you do. I am just here for a few weeks. Just… he’s drunk, so maybe leave him alone.”

I walked out of the house and back onto the street. Most of the people here didn’t seem to acknowledge the fact that George was missing, still just talking with one another and eating. My earpiece came to life and I heard the staticky sound of Jimmy in my ear. “Clay, what the hell was that about?” He asked.

While I was in the crowd I didn’t speak up, instead just walking to Niki’s house and entering with the spare key I was given. After the door was shut and locked behind me I spoke up. “I found George drunk.” I explained. “When he kept getting more drunk I knew that it wasn’t good for him to be there and so I took him to his room. I don’t see what the big issue is.”

I knew there were cameras in the room which had audio, allowing Jimmy to hear what I had said. It took a moment for him to process it before the static in my ear started up again. “This was meant for his birthday. He needed to be there.” A voice I didn’t recognise spoke.

“Why are you being so cruel?” I asked. I was friends with the people on this show. I had not ever suspected that they would hate George, but that is what it seemed like by the way that they carelessly talked about him. “He’s drunk, just let him rest. It is his birthday.” Before they got the chance to respond I pulled the earpiece out.

According to Niki, and multiple other members of the cast and crew, the earpieces were designed to be able to comfortably sit in your ear for days at a time. It was waterproof, it had cushioning yet didn’t damage your ear or make you struggle to hear, and there were all sorts of other benefits that it could have.

I walked upstairs, leaving the earpiece on the small table in the hallway before heading into my room. It was nice and cold in here, since I had left the air conditioning on when I left for the party only an hour or so ago. A relaxed sigh fell from my lips as I laid on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I allowed myself to get comfortable.

I planned on going to bed early. Perhaps after the excitement of George’s birthday and the 25th anniversary of the show, everyone would calm down. So if I just slept through the evening, then it would be alright tomorrow.

As I laid down my phone vibrated from my pocket. Even though I would much rather be sleeping, I decided to grab my phone and see what it was that I had been sent. It was a message from Jimmy, apologising for getting mad at me and saying that he’d have Niki bring me some food to show that he was sorry.

Once again I did not know how this was supposed to be him showing that he was sorry. He was just telling someone to bring me food, it didn’t show much love or care or friendship. I responded with a bland ‘whatever’ before I turned my phone off. A yawn fell from my lips, completely accepting the fact that I was tired and going to sleep.

George POV.

“George.” I blinked to see Fundy standing over me and he gave me a smile. “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” His hand ran through my hair as I took a few moments to process his words.
“My head hurts.” I answered with a groan, one of my hands moving to brush through my hair. “I’m sorry, Fund. I know how much effort you pu’ into the party.”

“That’s fine.” He responded, sighing at me. “But I would be quite happy if you did come out. I mean everyone came to watch you cut the cake and open presents.”
“I don’ even know those people.” I told him, an annoyed grumble.

“What are you talking about? These are our friends, neighbours, coworkers, people who know us George.” I wasn’t sure if I believed him, since despite this I couldn’t believe him. It felt unrealistic that I knew everyone, what with my antisocial, anxious personality.

When I didn’t respond to him he sighed and stood up, turning away from me with the shake of a head. “If you change your mind then come downstairs.” He announced as he walked out of the room. “Otherwise you just appear ungrateful.” His words cast a doubt in my mind, making me feel as though I was being unrealistic and unfair.

In fact, I did try and do as Fundy said, sitting up and planning on walking back outside, but even so much as doing that was enough to make my head spin. Feeling guilty I ended up laying back and allowing myself to just give up.

I still felt bad for my boyfriend, and everyone else who was involved in my party, but I didn’t say anything, instead just curling up and going to sleep.
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