Chapter 27: Making Out

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Going from kissing to making out already.

Chapter also mentions sick grandmother
Clay POV.

George was still curled up next to me, and I selfishly took the opportunity to admire the sleeping brunette. “You are adorable.” I told him as he slept. As he laid there I leaned closer to him to kiss softly on the side of his face. I didn’t say anything else, not wanting to accidently mutter something again that he could hear.

“You are so pretty.” I laid down again, wrapping my arms around the brunette. He grumbled something, eyes opening as he saw me.
“Morning.” He muttered droopily as he rolled over so his face was pressed against my clothed chest. “How did you sleep?”

“I slept well.” I told him. My hands moved to his back, rubbing a circle around his bare skin. He let out a gasp before lifting his face so our lips were inches apart. Then he pushed them together, earning a small groan as his own hands went to hold my sides. “George?” I questioned in the moments when our lips had pulled apart. “What’s going on?”

He continued to kiss at me while holding my sides. The blond didn’t say anything to me, just continuing to kiss at me, pushing more passion into it. I didn’t know exactly what it was that was motivating him to kiss me, and it felt out of character for him after watching him his whole life. “Clay.” He begged, wanting my attention.

“What?” I asked him, feeling confused. This felt so out of character for him. I have watched him for dozens of years, hundreds of days, thousands of hours, millions of minutes. Never once have I seen this kind of behaviour from him. He moved my hands away from him and climbed onto my lap. “George?” I asked again.

“I’m sorry.” Was all he said, his voice shaky. “Just…. I was always unsure about Fundy. It felt like my relationship was always controlled by others when it came to him.” He told me, eyes glaring with passion and some unseen danger. “But now I feel as though I actually have control over my relationship with somebody.”

My eyes narrowed but I didn’t try to stop the brunette as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips connected and my hands moved to rest on his hips. “Is it okay if I do this Clay?” He asked me, his voice shaky and uncertain, as if he didn’t know whether he should actually be doing this.

I was surprised by this offer but fine with it. The idea of being caught kissing someone on camera was the only thing holding me back. I took a moment to respond, perhaps it was too long to respond but then I spoke quietly. “Sure.” Was all that I said.

After all, I had kissed people before on camera, I have made out with people on camera, and I had even had sex on camera. The only difference was all of that was scripted and we had practised hundreds of times before it was filmed. This was raw, it wasn’t perfect or pretty, nor had we practised or planned any of this beforehand.

His hands moved to grab my face, guiding it in the way he wanted for a make-out session. While we made out his hips bucked against me, earning a series of moans and groans. It was incredibly hot, but to distract myself from the embarrassment of making out on front of an audience (even though they didn't show this) I just focused on our lips which were interlocked.

I know that they never show sex scenes. Instead the camera will just pan towards the window or somewhere outside. That way all of the viewers wouldn’t be able to see us going any further than making out with one another. His hands moved from holding my face to my hair, clawing at it before biting at my lip.

My eyes widened at the surprising action, but the moment that we were potentially going to go further the door opened. George and I simultaneously pushed each other backwards to make it seem as though we hadn’t done anything, yet the bright blush on our faces gave us away.

Niki was in the doorway and she seemed to know exactly what we had been doing but she acted oblivious. “Clay.” She said, directing me as George pulled himself to the far side of the bed. “So sorry for waking both of you, but I need you.”
“Need me?” I asked. “Why?”

“Grandma is sick.” She said, giving me a look which George didn’t notice as we spoke. For a moment I was confused before I remembered that we were cousins, therefore her grandmother was mine.
“She is?” I asked, tilting my head as I looked at her.

Niki nodded. “My Dad just called me, told me to wake you and we’ll drive to the hospital.”
“The hospital?” George spoke up with a hint of confusion. “I can come with you. After all, you let me stay here for the night.”
“It’s in another town.” She told him, shaking her head. “Off the island.”

I noticed the way George gripped at the sheets, seeming uncertain about the mention of being off the island. “So we’ll have to drive over and then we’ll possibly have to travel back and forth to the island multiple times.” His eyes widened more, obviously not liking the idea of leaving the island. I glanced pitifully over at him who seemed concerned.

After all I knew about his fear of the water that was instilled into him. There was often commentary of it and I felt bad about it, since he had witnessed the death of two loved ones to keep him away from the water. Yet I knew that there would be an important reason if I was being called away from the island.

“Nevermind.” George’s voice was a whisper and he glanced down. “I’ll just… go home I guess.” Hearing him say that made me feel bad.
“No George, you can stay here.” I didn’t want him to go back to his scummy cheating ex. That didn’t feel fair. I should have probably talked to Niki first but she couldn’t do anything now.

The brunette didn’t say anything and it was Niki who finally talked again. “Clay.” She said, gaining my attention. “I’ll grab us something to eat, you get changed and meet me downstairs.” Then she walked out of the room, leaving me alone. After giving George a glance I climbed out of the bed.

“Clay…” He began before seemingly not knowing what to do as he fell silent.
“Are you okay with me going?” I asked, as I was already climbing out of the bed to change as I spoke. “After everything you’ve been through.”
“No, it’s fine. This is your grandmother so you should go and look after her.”

Although I was unsure I nodded at him, taking that as confirmation.
1176 words

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