Chapter 3: The Undercover Movie Star

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Welcome to day two. More story, more gay, that's all.
George POV.

However as I was walking I lifted my gaze to see Niki, a friend and coworker of mine, talking to a blond man who I didn’t recognise. She looked over at me and smiled. “Oh, hi George.” She smiled as she looked over at me. “I didn’t expect to see you until the party tonight. We’re both looking forward to coming.”

“Oh, and who is this? Is he a plus one or something?” I looked over at the blond she was standing beside. Both of them laughed and shook their heads.
“This is my cousin.” Niki told me. “He is staying with me for a few weeks.”
“My name is Clay.” He spoke up, offering a hand out which I shook.

“Well sorry about that,” I chuckled, feeling anxious. “I… you two would be an… amazing… but obviously you are family… and… y’know.” I stopped talking before I embarrassed myself or the two of them even more. Neither of them seemed to be judging though, instead just smiled at me as though I did not say anything.

“You don’t need to worry.” The blond man smiled. “I’ve embarrassed myself a few times before.”
“Thank you so much,” I was relieved. The grin he had seemed as though there was no ill intent behind it. It managed to put me at ease.

“So what are you doing here?” Niki asked. “Fundy was ranting to me on the phone yesterday about how he was planning on spoiling you all day while he was getting ready for the party.”
“Work emergency.” I quickly responded, refusing to make eye contact. “I have to go in, there is nobody to cover for me.”

She scrunched up her face. “Oh, that sucks.”
“Yeah.” Clay nodded. “Not being spoiled on your birthday is the worst.” I nodded at him, once again as he was acting all sympathetic. “Are you absolutely sure that whatever is going on at work has to happen again.”

“Thank you guys for your sympathy.” I muttered, feeling upset that I was lying to two people who were being completely and utterly kind to me.
“Well, I guess we’ll see you at the party tonight.” Niki grinned, waving at me as I continued walking, with Clay watching alongside her.

I could feel their gazes on me as I walked away, both Niki and her cousin stood there and as I glanced back over I could see Niki continuing to talk with Clay. She seemed quite bubbly, perhaps she was excited since I had never seen her family before.

Thankfully now that I was off my street though I could pull out my book, something that I enjoyed and just planned on reading while spending the day hiding out. It was a book about spies, and I was halfway through it, so I was more than likely going to finish it before tonight, and then I would have to reread it while I waited.

Sure enough, the place was completely abandoned. It was another little cove, and I felt safe and alone. As though nobody would ever be able to find this spot. Without a care in the world I sat on the grass, which felt soft beneath me. Honestly I could have kicked my shoes off and laid down, but I didn’t.

Instead I flicked through the pages of the book to the last page that I had been reading. A blissful calmness ran through me as I settled, planning on completely forgetting about Fundy and Niki and everything else that I’d have to deal with.

Clay POV

“So that was him?” I asked, looking back over at Niki as the brunette walked around the corner. She gave a nod of confirmation, fidgeting with her fingers. “He always looked taller on the show.” I muttered to myself, before continuing. “Now, Jimmy tells me that your guest bedroom is set up.” She nodded at me.

“Yes.” She smiled. “It’s upstairs… and I hate to be that person but I have to admit I am a fan of yours and I was wondering-” The blond woman trailed off, despite this though I chuckled at her.
“Sure. I can give you an autograph if that is what you want.” A wave of gratitude washed over her face and she muttered thanks.

As she spoke, I couldn’t help but look over at the mailbox. There was an obvious camera settled on the front. It was a round like the kind of camera you’d find in a convenience store. Perhaps the brunette just didn’t know what those sorts of cameras looked like. Either way it was quite strange to think about.

“This isn’t something I would normally do though, it’s just after taking this job, living here, for the show, I haven’t had the chance to travel or meet celebrities.” I understood where she was coming from. This show was a full time job because of the fact that George could be somewhat unpredictable and you could be needed at any moment.

She was carrying one of my bags, opening the door and leading me up the second floor. “So, what is your name exactly?” I asked her. She was an actress after all, it was very likely that she may have been given her own on-screen role.

“Oh, I am Niki.” she smiled. “That name is real, since it is easier than living my whole life with a face name.” That was fair I suppose. Living your entire life with a different name and life story would be difficult.

From the ear piece that I had been fitted with earlier I could hear a staticy voice, letting me know that George had entered the park before going silent. “Anyway,” Niki continued. “This is your room here, the bathroom is across the hall. I’ll leave you to settle in, we shouldn’t be running into George again until the party, hopefully.”

“So you just get to hang around doing whatever you want between run-ins with George?” I asked, to which she nodded. I was standing in the door of the guest bedroom, while she was in the hallway. “I’ll see you downstairs.” I smiled, before beginning to unpack my suitcase.

Niki was gone and I took my time getting everything organised. When I was done I pulled out my phone, seeing that I had gotten texts from Jimmy Donaldson, and my agent, both asking if I was settling in okay. Similarly my sister Drista had texted me, saying she saw me on the show.

A grin appeared on my face as I responded to all of them, before relaxing for a bit as I knew it would be a while before I was needed again.
1133 words

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