Chapter 26: Kiss

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George POV.

“Fundy, be quiet.” I tiredly murmured, still on the brink of sleep. “Shut up please.” My eyes screwed themselves shut as I rolled over again. Yet Fundy continued to breathe too loudly for me. It was annoying and so I let out a grumble before sitting up, yet as I opened my eyes I saw something that shocked me completely.

I wasn’t in my home, I wasn’t alongside my boyfriend Fundy. My breathing began to speed up as I noticed that I was in Niki’s house, yet after remembering everything that had happened I calmed myself. Beside me was Clay, sleeping on the bed while looking towards me. His blond hair was covering part of his face and so I brushed it off.

He was adorable. It was sweet being able to see him asleep after he had been so caring to me earlier in the day, or perhaps yesterday. I was not sure what time it was, since my phone was not on me and there were no clocks in this room.

While he was asleep and we were both alone I smiled. “I am so sorry for everything that I have made you deal with, just today alone.” I said, my hands resting against the soft mattress with one daring to brush through his hair again. “I’ve only known you for two weeks at least, and you’re helping me through a breakup and even letting me stay the night.”

As I said that his lashes fluttered and my eyes widened, thinking that he was going to wake up and sure enough he did. My eyes widened more and I shuffled back. “George?” He asked, seeming confused as he sat up himself. “What were you talking about?”
“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to act as though I hadn’t been playing with his hair.

“I heard you say something.” He told me, rubbing his own eyes with a yawn. “What did you say?” I was cautious, trying not to embarrass myself, but then I decided to tell him what I said.
“I just wanted to thank you.” I muttered. “You’ve been so kind to me, and I’ve not been able to offer anything in return.”

“That’s not true.” Clay gave a soft, loving smile. He moved closer to me, our faces only a few inches apart. “You are my friend. Plus, being here gave me a new perspective on life.”
I giggled, I probably shouldn’t have since that was rude but I did. “Really?”

He shrugged. “I guess so.” His body kept inching closer to mine, causing my breath to hitch. I was unsure of what he was planning on doing, what this was. “This may sound stupid and forward….” he began, breathing warm against my skin. “But would I be able to kiss you?”
“Clay?” I asked him cautiously. “But… but why?”

“Because you are beautiful.” He told me. “How often do I get the chance to kiss someone as pretty as you?” That was all he gave me and it made me blush, yet I nodded. His hand moved up to my face and he cupped it, brushing against the soft skin while looking at me with gentle eyes. The movement was sweet and caring.

Then he moved our lips together, creating a calming yet sweet feeling which both of us found ourselves melting into. My hand moved to his, feeling the warmth and gruffness which pressed against my skin. It was as if the rest of the house, the rest of the world, faded away.

All of my problems were gone. Even my memories of Fundy momentarily faded. All that was important right now was me and the blond sitting opposite me on the bed. It was all that mattered, all that I cared about.

When he pulled away from me it felt like the kiss had lasted eternities while also lasting only a mere second. It wasn’t long enough either way, and I wanted to have the closeness I craved back. Yet I didn’t move. When Clay’s hands pulled away from me, mine went away as well, settling on my lap and balling into fists.

“George?” I glanced up. The blond was studying me, seeming concerned. “Are you okay? Did you like it?” I took a moment before nodding at him.
“I liked it.” I spoke softly, a smile slowly growing up both of our faces as we looked at each other. Carefully he moved back towards me and we kissed again.

The two of us kissed for another eternity, blocking out the rest of my shitty life again until we pulled away. I giggled, it was a fun feeling to kiss someone, especially someone new since Fundy is the only person I’d been with romantically since I was twenty. My face darkened as I mentioned the redhead, with him seeming shocked and upset.

“George?” He asked again. “Are you okay?” When I blinked at him he elaborated. “Just after the kiss, you fell silent. I was worried that I did something.” His words were caring and it made me feel nice. The blond had moved his hands to rest my balled up ones and I smiled.
“I’m fine.” I reassured him. “I was just thinking.”

Before either of us could say anything I yawned then looked at him apologetically. “I’m sorry.” I told him. “I’m just exhausted. Todays been a lot.”
“Don’t be sorry.” He responded. “How about we go back to sleep?” The offer was sudden but it made me smile and I nodded.

The blond laid down, with me laying myself down alongside him. Without me saying anything, or him saying anything, he grabbed me and pulled me close. I blushed silently, not moving as the blond wrapped his arms around me. The two of us kissed and cuddled one another with more giggles before falling asleep and curling up.

Jimmy POV

My eyes narrowed as I watched the two of them laying together. Behind me was Chandler and Kris, both also watching the scene. All of us were annoyed, I had called more staff in than usual so that we could try and plan everything since Clay decided to fuck it up by sleeping alongside George.

There were many screens all flickering with footage. On multiple occasions George and Clay were sleeping, and it showed multiple different angles which allowed us and the audience to see them cuddling multiple different ways. Another camera showed the hallway outside and many others showed the rest of the house and the town.

“How are people reacting to this?” I asked, my attention focusing on Kris.
“Well from the livestreams on TikTok, Twitch, and Youtube people are all loving this.” Kris answered, her eyes glancing along three different screens each showing chats rushing past, all a mixture of emojis and sweet comments.

I processed this, eyes glazed as I stared at the screen, the only movement was one of the two sleeping men shifting around or breathing. “So…. what do you want us to do?” Chandler questioned, his hands resting behind his back as he studied me.
“Jimmy?” I thought for another few moments before giving them a simple instruction. “Call Niki.”
1220 words

Clay and George: 💏🍆🍑🛌🏳️‍🌈👬💏

Jimmy, Chandler, Kris: 💻👁👄👁

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