Chapter 23: Karl Arriving

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I'll give you twenty bucks if you can guess what happens in this chapter. 😱🤔🤷‍♀️💰💶🍆🍑
Clay POV.

I listened to George’s story before he let out a sigh. “You probably think I sound weird.”
“Not at all.” I responded, giving him a small and caring smile.
“Really?” I just nodded at him. Much to my surprise he grinned and leaned on me. “Thanks Clay, you are sweet.” Without him looking at me I grinned as well.

I was happy about the fact he was so comfortable around me, he trusted me. But my smile quickly disappeared when I saw a brunette running across the field towards us. “George!” Karl called out, but he hesitated when he saw me. He didn’t speak again until he was right next to us. “George.” He repeated. “Are you alright?”

The Brit lifted his head off of me and gave a nod. “I’m fine.” He reassured his friend. “I’ve just been talking with Clay. What are you doing here?”
“Fundy told me what he did… I’m so sorry George. I know you love this place and so I figured you’d be here.”

After a moment he walked to sit beside his friend, not hesitating to send me a glance. “Why are you here Clay?” He asked, annoyance and venom clear in his voice, but George didn’t notice.
“I saw George walking here. He was upset and I grew concerned.” I said.

His eyes narrowed. It seemed clear that he knew that I wasn’t just driving past by chance. That I had been watching what was going on before trying to find George. He couldn’t comment on it though because that could expose him to George. I allowed a smirk to grow because I knew I had him beat, before turning towards George who was watching his best friend.

“George.” I spoke softly. “Do you want to come over to my house?” I offered. “We could get some snacks and just hang out. Whenever I am feeling sad over a break up it does make me feel better.” The brunette seemed actually to think about and enjoy the idea, but he managed to keep himself calm and act as though he didn't.

“That sounds like it could be nice.” George smiled, looking over at me. “But… would you and Niki both be alright with that.”
“Yeah,” Karl added. “I’m not sure if Niki would be alright with you bringing George over for a movie marathon. Perhaps you could stay with me and Sapnap though.”

The two of us were both focusing on George, yet spared annoyed and angry glances towards one another. I could only imagine what Jimmy was doing right now. Perhaps he was telling Karl to keep trying to win George’s attention, yet George did have his own free will.

“Karl…” He eventually spoke. “While your offer is really kind I can’t accept.” He shuffled back slightly, his body brushing against me. “You’ve done so much for me and I have done nothing to repay you. I can’t ask you to do more.”
“You’re not asking.” The other brunette tried to reassure me, but I spoke before he could reply.

“Don’t worry Karl.” I gave a soft, innocent smile. “You take care of yourself and Sapnap. George can come hang out with me. I have the perfect cure for a break-up.” George managed a small smile directed from him. I stood up and offered a hand out to the brunette who took it. When we stood up he hugged my waist.

“Thank you so much.” He muttered. I gave him a smile, when he let go of me I moved a hand behind his back and began leading him towards my car. Karl was frustrated but followed after us, not saying much now. George seemed wary and so I offered to carry his bag (which was surprisingly heavy and stuffed with clothes and other objects).

When we reached the car I opened the door for George. Karl’s car was right beside mine, and the brunette continued to try and offer a night at his house instead. “George, I made a red velvet cake. Y’know, from the recipe book you are always recommending.” He gave a small smile. “You can come and visit and try it.”

“That sounds great.” He spoke softly. “But I said I’d go with Clay. I can come over tomorrow though. If you are okay with that.”
“There isn’t a bed at Niki’s house though.” Karl pointed out. “Clay is sleeping in the guest bedroom, Niki only has a two bedroom house.”

“He can sleep in my room.” I told Karl. “I can sleep on the couch. I’m pretty sure Niki did laundry today so he'll have clean sheets.” It wasn’t true, but perhaps after I had continuously been insistent of having George stay with me, Jimmy may actually organise it. I didn’t know, but an actor can be hopeful. Karl didn’t have a response to that, instead just giving a nod, basically in defeat.

“Thanks for everything Karl.” George smiled warily. He shut his own door and I shut mine. We drove off, leaving Karl behind us. I saw him talking, clearly in conversation with Jimmy yet George thankfully didn’t seem to notice. He instead had lowered his gaze down to his lap, not saying anything as we passed the fields and headed back to town.

Eventually he gained the confidence to lift his head towards me. “So what was your plan to… to help with a breakup?” His question was quick and awkward, yet cute.
“Well the first step is to go to a store and buy every bit of food that tempts you.” I explained with a smirk. “Chips, candy, sushi, drinks, anything.”

A small smile grew on his face at my eagerness, yet it faltered a few minutes later. “I don’t think I have enough money for all of that.” He told me. “So I doubt I’ll get much.”
“Don’t worry, I can pay.” I offered and he smiled.

“That’s so sweet of you Clay.” He lowered his head again, this time seemingly to hide a queasy smile. “To be honest it’s been a while since I felt like someone would actually do something nice for me, would actually take care of me.”
“What about Karl?” I asked, glancing in the rearview mirror as I did since perhaps I’d see him.

“Well he does offer to help… like earlier, but it just seems that he doesn’t always listen to me. It may just be my imagination but it seems like… I’m not even sure.”
“Oh.” Was all that I could say. I hadn’t really paid attention to his relationship with Karl and Fundy after watching The George Show for years. It was only him I focused on.

Neither of us spoke for a while, not until we arrived at the convenience store. “Okay, so for the first step…” I began as I walked into the store and grabbed a shopping basket. “I want you to fill this up with anything you’d like.” He was awkward but nodded and I allowed him to lead the way to the candy aisle.
1213 words

That break up cure sounds like a fun first step.

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