Chapter 13: Recipe

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George POV.

I didn’t say anything, just sitting at the table. It was a Saturday, so I was not contractually obligated to work but I considered it. There was just nothing else I felt like doing. Fundy was pissed at me for disappearing, which I guess made sense, and so I felt as though I should be punished and should not be allowed to do anything other than something productive.

Even when I got my laptop out and was sitting in front of it I couldn’t think of anything to do. Instead I was just waiting there, for a spark of inspiration or an encouragement to write a line of code. But there was nothing, all that I could think about was Fundy. Mainly guilt, since it seemed like the main reason he decided to leave was because I had snuck out like a teenager.

So I stood up, brushing down my outfit metaphorically and deciding that I will do something to apologise to him. I got up and began scampering around in the kitchen, my mind racing with different recipe ideas to spoil the redhead, as an apology for making him worry this morning. A soft smile was on my face at the thought of him being spoiled.

I went on SmartWeb to look up recipes, then went searching through the pantry and fridge for the ingredients that I needed. For most of the recipes I had everything required but it didn’t feel like it was special enough for Fundy. Eventually I found a recipe for chicken fried rice, and I knew it would work because he loves chicken and he loves rice.

All that I needed was to get some more chicken since we didn’t have much in the fridge, but after making a note of that I decided to also make a dessert. He loves banana bread, and so I looked up a recipe for that. It just so happened that I needed bananas and the recipe also included ice cream so I wrote that on the list too.

After also writing down some drinks and some other stuff not related to the recipe I folded up the bit of paper and pocketed it. There was a bus a few streets away which I could ride to get to town, since I doubted everything I needed would be at the convenience store that I walked to yesterday (The one next to the drug store).

I began putting my shoes on after I texted Fundy, just telling him that I was going to the shops and to let me know if he needed anything. When everything was ready I left the house, locking it up as I did. The sun was partially shielded behind some clouds, leaving the day with a nice warmth to it. I sighed contently as I left the house.

Fundy POV.

“I’m not so sure about this.” I looked at Monica, my girlfriend, as we sat on her couch. We had been watching a movie but neither of us really seemed to be paying attention at the moment.
“I’m sorry.” I responded, looking over at her pitifully. “But it’s a role, M. My relationship with George means nothing, it’s just like every other TV relationship.”

“But it’s not a TV relationship for him.” She muttered. “I watched last night. You and him were… at least until the camera panned away.” For a few moments I was silent. The two of us had been dating for the past few years, having met on set for The George Show. She was just an extra but she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

Monica blinked, her thick lashes creating shadow under her eyes. It made her look as though she had gone days without sleep, when in reality she probably spent about 10 hours a night in bed. “I’m just concerned, Fundy, not just for our relationship but for him as well. What if George finds out about the two of us, about you cheating on him.”

“I’m not cheating on him though. Our relationship is just for the TV screen…”
“...the TV screen which is on always, since this is a 24 hour show.” She cut in to remind me.
“Well when I’m off screen my only love is for you, my dear.” For a few moments the blond woman attempted to look firm but a smile managed to sneak through.

Monica kissed me, and the two of us laid in an embrace. The movie was completely ignored as we continued to kiss for a few more minutes. Neither of us said anything, since we didn’t know the next time we were going to be together. The house she had been given was only a few streets away from my house, but both of our lives focused around George and not each other.

“Should we order something for lunch?” I asked, pulling away from her. “I’ve been craving Indian for days now but haven’t had the chance to get any.”
“Didn’t you order an Indian kebab truck for George’s birthday?” She asked, managing a giggle. “Yeah, but I didn’t get a chance. George got drunk, remember.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to order something.” Monica grinned, standing up with her phone clutched gracefully in hand. “What are you wanting?”
“Curry, thank you.” I answered, giving her a bright smile. “I don’t mind what kind, but something spicy.” She gave me a knowing nod and walked out of the room.

As I was alone I found my attention finally back in the movie. It still wasn’t interesting. My phone vibrated beside me and I lifted up, seeing that George had messaged me. It was just asking if I needed anything from the shops. I responded telling him I was fine, and after I messaged him my curiosity began to spike.

I turned off the movie that we were watching, turning instead to The George Show. I wasn’t normally one to watch this, but with my curiosity I wanted to see what George is doing. We didn’t usually get food from the stores on a Saturday, so I wondered why he was asking if I needed anything today.

Perhaps it was unfair of me to use this advantage to pry in our relationship, to see what it was that my boyfriend was thinking and doing. The screen showed George walking out of the house and down the street, stopping to exchange hellos with other people before continuing on. The bottom of the screen showed the words ‘Footage is 12.3 seconds delayed’.

“Okay I ordered you a spicy Sri Lankan fish curry. Plus some naan bread and rice.” Monica came back into the room as she talked but when she saw what was on the TV she paused. “Why are you watching George?” She asked, settling down beside me with her gaze on the screen.

“He texted me saying he was getting groceries.” I explained. “We usually don’t buy our food on a Saturday, we do that on a Tuesday.” For a moment I paused as George stepped onto a buy and paid the driver. “I was just curious, that’s all.”

After he got to his seat the bus began to move, with him settling down by the window. The camera jumped forward and it changed from stating it was 12.3 seconds delayed to 11.4. George was looking at the passing buildings while muttering to himself. “Dinner for Fundy… fried chicken and… banana bread… chocolates to show sorry.”

The cameras were good, as was the sound, but every few words were understandable. “He’s doing something for you.” Monica smiled sweetly, but then the smile fell away. “I feel bad that I’m here with you when he’s doing that back at your house.” She didn’t say much for a few moments but looked guilty.

“Actually, M, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about.”
1325 words

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