Chapter 9: Kissing

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Eww there is a chapter with kissing. Sorry guys, really graphic and inappropriate ik.
George POV.

Fundy, I want to break up with you..

I feel like you don’t love me, Fundy, and because of this reason I want to break up with you.

I understand that you care, but you have shown me that you don’t care about my interests time and time again. The party is just one example of this.

My lips fell into a line and I shook my head subtly. None of these felt good. None of these felt like they would work for some reason. I shifted around, feeling tense, however I froze when I saw Fundy look over at me. “Are you okay George?” He asked, pausing the movie with a concerned appearance.

“I am fine.” I answered, perhaps a little too quickly, since that only drew more concern out of him. I tensed up more as he slid over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Babe, I love you. If there is anything on your mind then you can tell me. I will do anything that you need to help you.”

That just made me feel more guilty. I mean I had just said to myself that he doesn’t care about my opinions, yet he was promising to help me with anything that I needed. “It’s nothing Fundy.” I repeated, and it seemed that this time he believed me.  Reluctantly he sat back up, muttering an ‘alright’ before pressing play on the movie.

I hadn’t even been paying attention to the movie. When Fundy went back to it I grumbled, standing up and planning to just disappear into my room for the night. “Are you over the movie?” He asked me, causing me to once again tense up. I looked over at him and nodded.
“You can stay and watch it.” I told him. “I’ll just go to bed, I’m kinda tired.”

He didn’t move as I left the room, taking my time to step around the presents which he made me spend the morning unwrapping. Just seeing them all pissed me off more and I hurried up the stairs. Fundy didn’t follow me up and that caused me to relax. I didn’t want to spend the afternoon with him making me feel guilty or second guess my love.

My eyes fluttered shut, deciding that since I was staying home for the day that I should at least rest and relax. Beside me was a stuffed toy. It was a fox that had a black hat on that Fundy had gifted me, alongside the necklace, the party, and many other small things which I opened this morning. Seeing it looking at me made me feel worse and so I turned it around.

Much to my annoyance I was still awake by the time that he came sneaking into the room. I felt his eyes on me. “George? Are you awake?” He asked, his voice soft so that it would not wake me if I did happen to be asleep. I didn’t respond, but he walked around the bed and leaned down, then he furrowed his face. “I can see that you are awake.”

I pretended that I was asleep still, and after a moment he sighed and stood himself up. “I know that you are awake.” He repeated. “Did I do something wrong? Baby?” As the redhead spoke he sounded heartbroken. “Do you not love me? Do you hate me?” Guilt continued to bubble inside of me at the tone of his voice.

Reluctantly I sat up, looking over at him. Fundy didn’t react to me moving, causing me to wonder if he did actually suspect that I had been awake or not. “Do you not love me?” He asked, looking over at me like a kicked puppy.
“I… I do.” I answered, not sounding completely confident in my answer.

“Are you sure?” I hesitated to respond to him, eventually just falling silent. It seemed that he took this as a bad answer and so he let out a sigh. “Really? After everything that I have done for you?” His question made me glance away. “I tried to throw a party you’d enjoy, with people who are our friends. Did it seriously not mean anything to you?”

“I’m sorry, Fundy.” I muttered, pulling my legs close and resting my head on my knees. It left me in a ball as I averted my gaze. “I just… sometimes I feel like you don’t love me. I’m so sorry, since I know it is probably nothing.” An arm wrapped itself around my back, something which made me feel uncomfortable but I kept quiet.

“Well I don’t mean to make you feel that way.” He told me, giving a smile as he rested a head for a few moments on my shoulder. Then he pulled away. “If you want to though, maybe there is something else that we can do.” I was curious about that but didn’t give any reaction. Then I freaked out internally when he kissed at my neck.

“Is that okay?” He asked, clearly showing what he wanted to do. Then to continue to nail this into the point he kissed at me once again. I was not too sure if I wanted that now, after being stressed and second guessing all of my feelings that I didn’t want to be physical with him.
“If you want to.” I told him, keeping my voice soft.

Fundy grinned, continuing to kiss at me. “We didn’t get a chance to do this yesterday.” He murmured while he kissed at me. “So maybe now I will get a chance.” I nodded to him in agreement, allowing him to do as he wished.

Clay POV.

“Damn it.” I grumbled, sitting on the couch in Niki’s living room. The woman looked over at me, tilting her head as she asked me what was wrong. “I can’t get onto the internet. I think my ear piece might be interfering with it.”

“Oh, it’s because we hide the actual internet.” She explained. “The way it works is to go onto SmartWeb… that’s like Google specifically for George. Then search up the code ‘W1Fi_G30rge_activate’.” After she explained that I followed her instructions, then my phone restarted itself, confusing me.

When it started up the apps were like the ones on a regular phone, TikTok and Google and YouTube. “Did it work?” Niki asked, glancing up from what she was doing.
“Yes, thank you.” I responded. Then, since I decided I wanted to watch some videos, I headed out of the room, not wanting to distract her from what she was doing.

I sat on the bed and opened the app, scrolling through videos of all sorts. Then I came across a live stream, and blinked as I realised as it was from the official account of The George Show. It showed George in his bedroom talking with Fundy.

“I just… sometimes I feel like you don’t love me. I’m so sorry, since I know it is probably nothing.” George said to Fundy, a conversation which made me curious. I clicked onto the video, seeing the brunette curled up on the bed with the redhead beside him. Above the footage was a bit of text which said ‘footage is 17.9 seconds delayed’.

Comments were rushing by along the bottom of the scene, all predicting what would be going on. Some said that George would finally break up with Fundy, others suspected they’d stay together. There was also some unrelated stuff, such as comments about George’s work, or about how they wished it was sunny outside like it was in the show.

When I looked back over at the footage though it was just in time to see Fundy leaning in to start kissing George before the camera panned over to the window. The comments shifted, now people were complaining about the fact that the show never showed George having sex with anyone.

A few moments passed where the camera just focused on George’s window before shifting. It cut away to me, much to my surprise. There was a camera in the corner of the room. It was something that I had been made aware of, but I had been reassured it would only be shown when I was awake and fully aware and decent.

I managed a grin, lifting my head and waving up at the camera, before glancing down at my phone again. The comments shifted, with them realising that I knew they were watching me, and some people commenting things like ‘hi Clay’. The camera cut away and went to just panning over the entire town.

I laid down again, going back to watching TikTok videos and feeling somewhat tired and annoyed.
1481 words

Now you know what they do when sex happens, just pan away.

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