Chapter 38: Visitor

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Clay POV.

There was a knock on the door, catching our attention and luring George down the steps. I opened the door cautiously, unsure of who it could be before my eyes widened. "Jimmy?"
“Hey.” He smiled, and my eyes narrowed in shock and confusion, unsure of what he was doing on my doorstep.

I was anxious, glancing over my shoulder at George. Jimmy could be here for any number of reasons, none of which I cared to guess, but I doubted they were good. After all, this had never happened before. “What… what are you doing here?” I asked, thinking that I should get that out of the way first. That way I could stop panicking about

“Oh, I just wanted to check on my cousin. I was in the neighbourhood and all.” He said, smiling innocently at the two of us. I took a half step back, He was here for me?
“Wait, Clay, is this your cousin?” George asked, and I slowly nodded.

“Just after what happened with Grandma I wanted to check how you were holding up.” He explained. “After all, you were especially close to her.” I dared another glance back at George who began approaching us. His hand went to hold my arm, seemingly to comfort me after hearing what Jimmy was saying about my closeness to our grandmother.

“I’m doing fine.” I responded, still feeling on edge. “I’ve had Niki, George, Karl, and Sapnap to all make sure I was okay.” Then I remembered to point to the brunette holding my side. “This is George, by the way.” Jimmy obviously knew this, however George had no idea who the other brunette was. “And George, this is my cousin Jimmy.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” George smiled, offering out his right hand for Jimmy to shake. Jimmy responded with something similar as they shook and then George continued. “I didn’t know Clay and Niki had another cousin in the area.”

Jimmy chuckled as though it was some kind of joke, shocking George, however the Brit didn’t say anything as Jimmy explained. “I don’t live in the area. Just after I heard about what happened to our grandmother I came as quickly as I could. I stayed in a motel off of the island and visited her.”

After a moment Jimmy spoke again. “Umm… George, would you mind if I spoke with Clay alone for a few minutes.” George glanced over at me, uncertain but when I nodded he backed off.
“Sure, I’ll go have a shower.” He smiled. “It was nice meeting you though Jimmy.”
“It was nice meeting you too… George.” Jimmy smiled.

He didn’t say anything else, instead George just quickly turned and began hurrying up the stairs to my bedroom. “Feel free to take any of my clothes.” I said to him, since most of his clothes needed to be washed after staying with us for a few days and after sex last night. George gave me another nod before stepping out of sight.

The smiling cousin persona disappeared the moment that George was out of sight, with Jimmy now acting as though he owned the house (which I guess made sense since he did own the house, along with the entire show). “Can we go through to the living room?” He asked, however it clearly wasn’t an offer. I nodded and walked through first.

The moment I turned once I was inside though I was grabbed violently. “Jimmy what the fuck?” I asked, shocked as he lifted me to stand on the tips of my toes.
“Do you want to fuck up this show?” He asked, voice scarily low as he glared at me. “Do you want to destroy everything my father and I had worked for?”

“What? No. Of course not.” I responded and he let me go. I took a moment to fix my shirt without saying anything.
“You fucked George!” He raised his voice, before remembering the fact that the brunette was upstairs and he said nothing.

“You didn’t have an issue with any of our interactions when we talked yesterday.” I responded, also being cautious about George upstairs. For a few moments we both glanced up at the ceiling before hearing the running of the shower. When I looked back down Jimmy was glaring at me.

“Look, I was fine with you hanging around.” He explained. “The audience loves you, you pulled in higher ratings, but you decided to fuck George.”
“So?” I questioned. “He was fine with it. Do you think I would have fucked him just for bragging rights or something?”

He muttered something which sounded like a ‘yes’, and despite my eyes narrowing I didn’t make any comments about it. The man just circled around me, not saying anything, examining me as though I was something on the bottom of his show. “I know exactly what you are like, Clay, and I don’t want you to fuck around with George.”

“I won’t.” I cut him off, taking a step back defensively. “Trust me, I’m not like that.”
“You and I both know that you are like that off camera. George is special to me and to millions of other people.” I muttered about how I understood what he was saying. Jimmy wouldn’t believe it when I told him that I was one of those people.

“Well I don’t want you to do something to George getting him head over heels before ripping his heart out. Or worse, get him to do the shit that you end up doing.”
My eyes widened and I hissed, telling him to be quiet. “I don’t want the whole world to hear this.”

“Don’t worry. You think I’d film me interacting with you in front of George? The audience would go mental.” Jimmy’s eyes rolled. “I just came to deliver the reminder that you won’t like it if you mess around with George.” He began walking towards the door leading back to the hallway, stopping as he heard me murmuring under my breath.

“Next time use the earpiece. That’s why you gave it, right?”
Jimmy gritted his teeth as his eyes narrowed. “You never wear it. That’s another reason I came here, albeit less important.” I watched his annoyed expression as he turned and left, only stopping in front of the door. “Keep our meet up to yourself.” He instructed.

I didn’t say anything, watching as he turned and left, once again acting as though this was his house. When he was gone I let out an uneasy sigh, before deciding to smile as though the interaction I had had was a positive one. While I was waiting for George to get out I decided to cook up some food for us. A good breakfast, since I wasn’t bad for the brunette.
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