Chapter 11: Up Alone

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Fundy POV.

I sat up, my eyes widening as I realised that George wasn’t here. Usually he slept in until long after me. After getting out of bed I called out to him, thinking that perhaps he had woken up and gone to the bathroom or downstairs to get a glass of water. “George?” I called out. “Are you awake?” My brows furrowed. “I was going to make breakfast.”

When I didn’t get a response I put my hand up to my earpiece. “Jimmy… or whoever is listening.” I muttered, looking up towards a camera. “I think that I lost George.” I was worried. If Jimmy got mad about the fact that I had lost George then I could be at risk of getting fired. Twenty years of working on this show and I get fired.”

A voice came over the static. It wasn’t Jimmy, instead someone else who was clearly working in his place right now. “George went out earlier this morning.” A woman explained to me.
“What? Why wasn’t I told this?” I asked. I grew annoyed. “I’m George’s boyfriend, I should know where he is and when he leaves. What if he is in danger?”

“We are monitoring him, Fundy.” The woman talking responded. “He is perfectly fine.”
“Well where is he?” I grew more impatient. “I don’t want to start relaxing only to find him walking in the door and exposed to everything.”

“He is at Niki’s house with Clay Smith.” The woman answered. “Currently they are all asleep.” My brows furrowed, feeling confused.
“Why is he there?” I questioned. “Is he cheating on me with Clay because he’s a celebrity?” It probably was an irrational thought but I didn’t say anything.

“They are just sleeping.” She explained, keeping her voice monotone. “He went to the drug store and then came back. On his way back he ran into Clay who invited him inside for a drink.” She explained. “Plus, he doesn’t know that Clay is a celebrity.”
“Okay then. I’ll go and look for him.” I said, grabbing some socks to pull on.

“Don’t bother.” She continued. “Jimmy told me to let you know that you have the morning off. We’ll let you know when he is on his way home.”
“Okay.” I repeated again. I sat myself down on the bed. “Thanks.” She didn’t respond though, perhaps she was already onto another issue.”

I just busied myself at home. My assistants came to tidy the house and bring some breakfast which I ordered. Then they left me alone to watch something. Instead of the restricted movies that stopped George from discovering reality, I watched Disney+, and a Simpsons episode.

After sitting around for a few more minutes and finishing off my food I heard a staticky voice in my ear. “George is about to leave Niki’s house. Everyone on Kinoko St, Burr St, Gold Avenue, and Mile Rd please get into first positions.” I sighed, picking up my trash and passing it to the cleaners who were beginning to scutter out. “Begin movement on my mark.”

A while passed where there was nothing. The world felt quiet. Obviously where I was it was silent as I was alone, but it seemed the entire world was waiting. Eventually the woman gave the cue. “George is about to leave the house, begin movement.”

George POV.

“No…” I panicked as I woke up and realised that I was not at home, in my bed, laying beside Fundy. Instead I was laying on a couch, covered hap-hazardly by a blanket to keep me warm and wearing the clothes I went to sleep in the night before, alongside a hoodie. “Where am I? Why am I not at home?”

I looked over to see Niki standing in the kitchen, alongside her was her cousin Clay. it reminded me of where I was, since I was obviously at their house. Sitting on the table in front of me was also my unopened box of Panadol.

“Hey George.” Niki managed a smile. In her hands she held a cup of some kind of hot drink. “How did you sleep?” She didn’t seem to care about the fact that I had been sleeping on her couch and only just woke up.
“I’m… uh… fine.” I responded, not trying to hide my hesitance.

Clay didn’t say anything, just smiling at me as I ran my fingers through my hair. For a few moments there was silence. It was long enough for Niki to finish her drink and for Clay to empty the dishwasher. I probably should have stood up and left but it felt really awkward, leaving me sitting there.

Eventually Niki gave me a goodbye, alongside a goodbye to her cousin before going to work. When the two of us were alone I looked over at Clay. “Did we do anything last night?” I asked him, feeling confused and cautious as I asked him. “I can’t remember.”
“We didn’t do anything.” He reassured me.

He watched me as I stood up, managing a glance over at him before I pocketed my panadol once again. “Are you sure that we didn’t do anything?” I asked him. I didn’t want to somehow find out that I had cheated on my boyfriend when I went into Niki’s house last night. It was probably irrational though, I mean I didn’t even have any romantic interest with the blond.

“You came in for a glass of water, but before I had brought one from the kitchen you had fallen asleep.” He explained, his voice monotone. “I just decided to let you sleep. It felt mean to wake you up.” It was embarrassing to hear I easily fell asleep but I nodded at him.

“Oh God… Fundy is going to be so mad.” I panicked. “He probably thought I got kidnapped or ditched him or something.”
“Don’t worry.” Clay responded. “I've talked to your boyfriend a few times and he seems quite tame.” I didn’t agree with him, but I didn’t say anything.

“If you want I could give you a ride home.” He offered, watching as I pocketed the Panadol and began shuffling over towards the door. “It’s the least that I could do after you fell asleep here. That way I could explain everything to Fundy.” As I pulled on my shoes he began doing the same thing, but I shook my head.

“No thank you. You don’t need to do anything.” It seemed like he was about to offer something else but before he got the chance I muttered a goodbye and slipped out of the door.
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