Chapter 41: Packing

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George POV.

I stacked another box in the back of Clay’s car, where the stacks were growing and there was less and less room. There was still a lot of boxes that needed to be packed, I doubted we’d fit it all and I was worried we’d have to return here to get some more of my stuff. I was unsure as to how I’d deal with another visit to my old home.

“George, are you okay?” The blond walked out of the house, catching my attention as he carried a stack of boxes. “You’re staring off into space again.”
“Oh… sorry.” I muttered. “Just thinking. We don’t have anywhere to put all of this stuff. Maybe I should try and find a storage locker somewhere.”

“No need.” He reassured, stacking his boxes in the backseat. “We have plenty of room, and there is a shed and a garage. We can keep your stuff in there.” My brows furrowed and I glanced down, wondering if he and Niki would both really be fine with that.

For a few moments I stood there wondering if they would be fine with it before taking a step backwards to go grab some more boxes. The blond began restacking everything to try and make some more room. When I returned to the old bedroom though I heard someone following me, and gasped when I spun around and saw Fundy.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked him, immediately getting firm as I attempted to create more distance between us. “Can’t you just leave me to pack?”
“I just wanted to talk to you.” He responded, ignoring my request to leave. “Please… it’ll just take a minute George.”

I didn’t respond, just turning to begin grabbing some more of the boxes. After not getting a verbal response I expected him to leave once again, but he just began talking. “I wanted to apologise for what had happened between us.”

“George?” He walked over to me once again. “Please can you say something to me?” I still ignored him. The redhead didn’t touch me yet he walked around so that he would end up being in my line of sight. “After you left me the least you can do is let me say something.”
I kept my voice low. “What did you say?”

He didn’t seem to hesitate about the fact that I had responded with a sound of anger or annoyance. “I said to just give me a minute to let me explain.”
“After I left you.” I finished for him, growing angry and annoyed as I crossed my arms. He shifted from one foot to another, realising what he had said.

“I didn’t leave you.” My voice was firm and I glared as I stepped towards him. “You fucking cheated on me, with the bitch who’s sitting in the lounge!” He didn’t say anything in response and I continued to yell at him. “You tried to gaslight me into thinking that I was paranoid, but you’d been texting her for who knows how long!?”

Fundy attempted to open his mouth and say something but I didn’t let him. “I don’t owe you shit Fundy. How long had you been messaging her? How long did you wait before moving her into our house?” He stammered an answer that I didn’t care about.

When he didn’t respond I figured that he had given up and so I lifted the box. I’d take out these boxes and then send Clay back in instead of returning myself. As I turned though he began talking again. “Maybe I began seeing Monica because you didn’t enjoy spending time with me, or you always slept on the couch. What about when you left the party I planned for you?”

“You are mad at me for leaving the party?” I asked, pivoting around on my feet once again to look at him. “When you know that I hate parties! You know that all I want to do during my birthday is have dinner with you and Karl and Sapnap, yet you invited half the town to a party. You then got mad at me for leaving despite the fact I didn't want the party and I was drunk!”

I sighed, closing my eyes and feeling a tear running down my face. “I had been wanting to break up with you for a while.” I admitted. “But every time I tried, everyone convinced me to stay with you. That you loved me and I should repay you with my own love. That is the only reason why I stayed with you.”
“I know.” He replied. “I always knew that you were planning on breaking up with me.”

Neither of us spoke past that, just staring at one another as I processed what it was that he had told me. The fact that he had known that I did not love him and I did not want to be with him, yet for some reason he continued to want to be with me and I wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it was some way of torturing me or embarrassing me.

Fundy didn’t say anything else, after studying me for a moment he just walked out, not giving me any other words or explanation. After watching him disappear into the hallway I turned back and looked down towards the boxes. I was wanting to cry again, wanting to just curl up and cry so much, but I had to be strong while I was here.

“George?” I lifted my head and saw Clay standing there. His brows furrowed as he examined my face. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?”
“I want to go.” I responded, not telling him about how I was feeling. When he went to ask what was wrong again I repeated it. “I want to go back home.”

He didn’t say anything, at least not about my request. “Have you grabbed all the boxes?” Clay asked, turning to look over my shoulder at the state of my old bedroom. There was just one box left, one I hadn’t grabbed. He offered a soft smile. “How about I take the two in your hands and you take the last one?” I gave a small nod, passing it off without a word.

As I settled down, calming from my interactions, I backed over to the final box. At least I  hoped that it was the final box, and that we had gathered up everything of mine that I knew of. All I wanted now was to be out of this hell house, then I would not need to ever interact with Fundy again, he’d slip out of my life for good.

The two were back on the couch again and I spared a glance over. Fundy seemed as though he was trying desperately to keep his gaze on the TV,  whereas Monica moved to look over at me. Her expression was blank and unreadable, she seemed to look right through me. We kept eye contact for a long moment before I turned and slunk out of the room.

When I stepped out of the door I found myself right beside the blond again. His hands were free. “Want me to deal with that for you? You can climb back into your seat.” Wordlessly I nodded, just walking to the front seat and settling in my usual spot on the passenger side. He finished packing everything and then joined me.

“Do you wanna do something?” He asked, starting up the engine. I could hear the rattle of some of my more fragile belongings in time with the motor of the metal beast but didn’t care to look anywhere. “We could go to the park, or the mall?”
“I just wanna go home.” I said, repeating my sentiment from earlier. “Please.”

He didn’t say anything but nodded again, hands tightening on the wheel as he looked back to the road.
1363 words

Sad sex?
No, surely not

Also Ezra told me to apologise about story being delayed. Said he suddenly got motivation out of nowhere for a completely different one than the one he was going to post.

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