Chapter 42: Phone Call

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Fundy POV.

“That was too far, Fundy.” A voice spoke in my ear as I sat myself back down on the couch. I nodded meekly, understanding that perhaps I shouldn’t have told George the things that I had told him, yet I wasn’t going to say that out loud. Instead I just took a few deep breaths while I listened to Jimmy ranting in my ear.

“You shouldn’t have told him about planning to break up with him, or about the fact that you knew George didn’t love you.” I sighed, listening to what Jimmy said and giving a small nod. Perhaps it was too cruel just like he had said.

Monica listened wordlessly, not wanting to interrupt the yelling match and get herself in trouble. I didn't blame her, watching her sitting with her hands respectfully on her lap and her eyes fluttering shut. I wondered what she was thinking about right now, since I had come to discover that that was her thinking face.

"Truth be told there isn't much I can do." Jimmy stated blatantly, sighing as he did. "You are going to be leaving in a few days and I can't afford to ruin the illusion by firing you and having you both leave the set without any explanation." My brows furrowed, feeling fearful about what he was planning on doing.

"I think to reprimand you I'll slash your leaving budget." He stated. My eyes widened as he said that. The leaving budget was something he (and his father before him) gave to employees who left the show, especially those with bigger roles like Techno and Quackity and George's parents all those years ago.

It is for them to buy a home (since they usually move to live within the show full time), so that they can get their lives organised. I would be needing the money for something different though, since in my last few weeks here I had unfortunately pissed off a lot of the viewers with the way I had treated George.

With less money it would make it much harder. I couldn’t change my opinion or find a way to redeem myself since there were people who honestly worshipped him. It was really shocking to witness really. Any amount of money would be able to assist the both of us.

“This will be the last time I talk with you before you leave.” Jimmy finally told me, then hanging up without giving me a single word. Reluctantly I gave a nod, knowing he was likely watching this interaction. When everything had gone quiet I leaned back, feeling upset. Monica, without a word, went to comfort me.

George POV.

There was a knock on the door yet I didn’t react at all. Instead all that I did was stay staring towards the far wall. I felt tired and weary after my interaction with Fundy earlier today. It felt dumb that I was so affected by it, but I couldn’t do anything other than lay in my misery.

The door opened without me looking over, hearing a male clear his throats. It was Clay, and I glanced over at him as he walked into the room. “Are you okay?” He asked, “It’s been an hour and you haven’t moved once.” I didn’t respond, insead just sitting myself up. Folded in his arms were some clothes and he moved to set them on the end of the bed.

“These are yours. I figured that you would like to wear some of your own clothes instead of mine. I grabbed them from one of the boxes downstairs which we put into the garage.”
“Oh thanks.” I smiled at the kindness he was showing, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to get up and get changed at the moment.

When the blond noticed the fact that I was still upset he walked over. Cautiously he sat beside me, hands moving to run through my hair. It was a sweet movement that I found myself leaning into, loving the comfort that wordlessly appeared when I was around him.

“How are you feeling?” He questioned, hand absentmindedly brushing through my hair as though I was his pet. It was a strange yet sweet
“I feel like crap.” I stated, muttering quietly. “I just want to be able to move on from Fundy at the moment. But after hearing what he said…”

Obviously Clay hadn’t heard this conversation. The blond had been outside continuing to pack when this went on, and I hadn’t talked to him about what had happened earlier. He hadn’t attempted to question it either, something which made me happy since I had known many people in the past who would not respect this.

After a few moments I sat up, moving to climb onto Clay’s lap. The blond was confused as I did this, his breath hitching as our clothed groins ended up pressing against one another. My hands moved to his shoulders and I moved to connect our lips.

Clay did nothing, allowing me to begin making out with him as I moaned. Eventually though Clay pulled me away from him. “George.” His voice was firm and I became shocked at the tone. “I’m not letting you do anything right now.” I just let out a pathetic sound, somewhat like a whine. Ignoring him, I attempted to kiss at him again but I was unable to.

“You are obviously upset about what had happened with Fundy.” He stated, lifting me off of him and back onto the bed beside me. “You are not in the right headspace after the breakup and whatever he had said to you today.” Then he sighed, climbing off of the bed. “I just wanted to check on you, but I won’t do anything with you right now.”

Without a word he walked out of the room. “I was planning on cooking some stir fry for dinner, it’ll be ready in about an hour if you want to join me and Niki downstairs.” He offered as he paused. I was still feeling upset and slightly awkward at getting rejected, but I nodded at Clay.

The blond hesitated as he was about to leave. “I was wondering, are you going to go back to work tomorrow? I saw your work laptop in one of the boxes and was curious.” I’d almost forgotten about work after the week. But I guess I had been too mournful over the past week or so, and I simply nodded at him again.

The idea that I was going to go back made him smile once again. “Good. I’ll see you down for dinner in a while.”
1156 words

Just letting you all know that for the next 2-3 days there may be issues with uploading. Can't be completely certain but I just wanted to let you all know it was a possibility.

Also, gay. 💏💋😘❤️🏳️‍🌈

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