Chapter 30: The Boss

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Jimmy POV.

“I know you will want to get in contact with Mr Smith.” I said on the phone. My fingers drummed on the desk as a way of keeping myself entertained as the conversation went on to the fourth or fifth minute. As I had my conversation I was watching some of the screens in town. Most of them were at Niki’s house so I could keep an eye on George.

“Yes, that would be good.” The woman, Fiona Rogers, said as she typed something up on the other end of the line. “Is there any way that I would be able to speak to him now? If he ends up staying on the show for longer I will have to rebook some of his other films and interviews.”
“That is completely understandable.” I said. “I’ll put you on hold while I call him.”

My hand reached for one of the remotes and I pointed it at a screen in front of me. I toggled it around to the camera which was showing Niki and Clay in the car. One of the doors was open and they were talking to someone. That person had seemingly passed a bag of fast food to them, so that they could eat while they were waiting.

I activated the microphone in the car radio so I could talk to them. “Niki, Clay?” I asked, and they both heard the noise before looking towards the radio. The blond gave a ‘hey Jimmy’ as he set down his burger. “Clay, your agent, Mrs Rogers, is on the phone.”

“She is?” The blond was calm and monotone. His hands rested respectfully on his lap as he looked into the camera. Niki was also waiting and listening to the conversation, not wanting to eat her food while Clay was busy.
“Yes, she was wondering if you could call her.”

‘Now?’ He simply asked, and I shrugged despite the fact that I couldn’t see him. “If now works, but if you’d like I could ask if there was a different time when she was available.”
For a few moments he thought before answering. “I’ll call her in a few minutes. I just need to have my lunch first. Wouldn’t want it to get cold.”

I nodded in understanding, my gaze turning towards some of the other screens as I spoke. "Understood. I will let her know to expect a call in about…" I cut myself off as I looked at a screen showing Niki’s guest room, seeing a sobbing figure curled up beside the bed.

"Jimmy?" Niki’s voice was laced with concern when I cut myself off. Both of them were concerned, unsure of what was happening since they couldn't see me. "Jimmy is everything alright?" I didn't respond to their questions. Realising this I spoke again.
“I’ll tell her to expect a call in fifteen minutes or so.” I hung up before they could respond.

Then I went to the earpiece and tapped into the one for Karl and Sapnap. I also was fidgeting around with the cameras to find the one that showed the house the pair lived in. Karl was sitting with his legs on the table, scrolling on his phone while his assistant cleaned.

“Grian, you missed a spot.” Karl scoffed, barely glancing up from his phone to acknowledge the other man who seemed exhausted even though it was barely past midday.
“Y-yes I know.” He stammered. “I was getting to it Karl.” He muttered an apology as he continued to scrub at the thing the brunette pointed at.

“Karl.” I said, patching into his headpiece. After hearing my voice a wide grin grew on his face.
“Jimmy?” He asked, sounding perky and excited at the idea I wanted to contact him. “What’s up? What would you like?” Usually I would stop and exchange pleasantries, but today I was not wanting that as we had to deal with something.

“I need you to head over to Niki’s house. George is… I’m not even sure, I’ve been busy all morning, most of the staff has. Most of it has been planning around Clay.”
“Oh yeah.” The brunette replied. “Didn’t he hook up with George this morning?” He questioned. “That’s what people have been gossiping about.”

“Sort of, and so I sent Clay away for the day so that he and I could discuss what we wanted to do.” I explained, being cut off with a brief conversation with the brunette. But then I remembered what I needed to do. “Anyway, you need to head to Niki’s house. I believe he is having a panic attack, and nobody is there to calm him.”

“Oh, okay.” Karl stood up and stretched. Before moving anywhere he turned to address his assistant. “Grian, finish cleaning the kitchen and then I want you to run to the store for me. It’s Ella from make-ups birthday and I said I’d get something for her. So please get her something decent since I don’t want to be embarrassed.”

“Karl, hurry up.” I grumbled, not attempting to hide the annoyance. I was fine with him talking, but him stopping to give a string of instructions took a lot of time. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to George.”
“Yes, fine, sorry.” He murmured. “Grian, please don’t be useless.”

After that last statement to his assistant he headed out the door, running over to his car. I toggled the cameras as he walked to keep him in my sight the entire time. When he was in the driver seat and beginning to start the engine he spoke to me.

“What do you even want me to say when I get there?” He asked. “Like if Niki and Clay aren’t there how do I know that he has a panic attack? How do you expect me to get in there?” For a moment I thought, unsure. Luckily though as I sat there thinking there was a knock on the door. In slipped Matthew, holding a stack of papers as he walked in.

“Uhh…. this might be a bad time…” He hesitated, taking a half step back when he saw me hunching over a screen watching Karl.
“Actually, no it’s not Matthew.” I smiled, sitting up straight before looking over at him. “I need help for Karl, we need some dialogue that will keep George unsuspicious.”

The brunette walked over to me, a hand on his face as he thought and watched Karl. Karl stayed quiet, also waiting so he could hear what we should do. After a few moments of watching both me, Karl, and George, the man behind me spoke. “So… George is having a panic attack?”
“Yes.” I answered with a curt nod.

“And Karl is the only one who can help him?” He continued.
“Yes.” I repeated again for the second time. He stood in thought for a while longer.
“Okay, so go and tell him that you just wanted to check on him… after the breakup yesterday.” Mat explained, and I noticed the way Karl’s eyes narrowed in acknowledgement.

“Say you wanted to make sure he was okay, and see if he wanted to watch some movies or get lunch to distract him from the breakup.” It seemed that he was finished and so I questioned him.
“Are you sure that will work?”
“It’s just a theory, I havent seen George like this and don't know how he'll react.” Matthew told me. “But it should.”

It was time to see if his theory was correct as Karl pulled up to the curb in front of Niki’s house.
1272 words

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